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*Sam's POV*


"You're a worthless whore!" Travis yells at me. I don't bother wiping the tears that fell down my face. "Why are you still around?!" He got closer to my face, then spat. "You can't do anything right!" He slaps my face and pulls me by the hair. I struggle to stand up as he pulls me down the hall. I wanted to just tell him off, but I knew much better than that. "Stay here, bitch." He pushes me into my room. The empty room. I wasn't in here often, only at Travis' worst. The awful part? There were no windows. It was completely dark with the lights off. And with the switch being on the outside of the door, it was more often than not dark. As my eyes adjust, I finally wipe my tears. At least now I was away from him.

*Present Time*

I cry into the pillow just as there's a soft knock on my door. "Don't come in!" I scream at the door, while choking on tears.

"It's me." Madi says as she walks in. She sits there quietly before she finally speaks minutes later. "What happened, honey?" She sits down next to me and I roll away. I cry harder, causing me to cough and Madi rubs my back. My eyes were already swollen from tears. I finally decide to look up at her, but my vision is blurry as I try to blink away the tears. "C'mon talk to me Sam."

"We had a fight. And he grabbed me..." I look down at my wrist, which already has a green bruise forming around it. "He's never been like that before... Never... It was scary. I saw Travis in his eyes. I just wanted to run away." She pulls me into a hug.

"It'll be okay. He's not Travis and Ni has already realized what he did wrong. He lost his temper." She rubs my back and I let the tears fall down my cheeks again. I lay against her shoulder and we sit like that for probably another fifteen minutes.

"I'm scared Madi... What if he hates me?" I mumble.

"He has no reason to hate you. Why would he hate you?" She sits me back up, holding me by my shoulders.

"What we were fighting kind of a big deal now." I look down, pulling myself away from her.

"What was it?" She innocently asks.

"He said he doesn't want a baby. He's totally against the idea. Nothing will change his mind. He wants to wait like ten years." I wipe my eyes again.

"So...give it a little time. Wait till he finishes his album. He's under a little stress right now darlin'" I shake my head and put my head in my hands. My chest starts to feel tight again as my throat closed up. It got harder to say the one thing I needed to say. "Sam....." She rubs my back again.

"I'm pregnant." I blurt. I feel her hand drop from my back as she gasped. "I'm scared. What if he doesn't love me anymore?" I put my hand on my stomach.

"He's still going to love you Samantha. How far along are you? Do you know?" She asks again and I nod.

"I think... I think it was in September. So I'm a little over a month. I don't really remember. That's the only time that we weren't very careful." I put my head back in my hand. "We were so drunk..." I whisper.

"That night..?" I knew that she knew exactly what night I was talking about. Niall's birthday. I don't remember much of the night, other than Niall running drunkly up the stairs to grab a condom in the middle of it. Every time we got intimate between then, I absolutely remember using a condom from the start. "He'll love this baby. Whether it was planned or not. That's what happened to Harry. Do you think we planned on having any of our kids?" She chuckles. I finally smile. "You have to tell Niall." I shake my head. "You're telling him. You can't hide things from him." I sigh, giving in. I'll tell him eventually.

We sit quietly in my room for a long while. I don't know how long she's been up here, but the sun has begun to set. There's another light knock on the door and Niall walks in, followed by Harry. His face was red and tears stained his shirt. He walks up to me and I flinch, instantly putting my hand up in front of my face. I hear a little gasp come from his mouth as tears begin to fall down his cheeks again. "I'm so sorry. Please don't be afraid of me." He leans down, sitting on his knees in front of me. "I love you so much. I shouldn't have done that. I love you." He wraps his arms around my waist. "I love you." He mutters again and again. "I'm so sorry." I pull him up next to me and kiss him. I taste the salt on his lips just as I pull away. "Are you okay? I hurt you. I'm sorry." He holds my hand in his. "They're bruised..." He kisses my wrist. "I hate myself."

"Don't say that." I say just as Madi nudges me. I shake my head and look away.

"What?" Niall looks up at Madi, then Harry, who shrugs his shoulders. "What's going on?"

"I....I... It's nothing." I start, then give up.

"Samantha.." Madi says in a firm tone. I know that if I didn't tell Niall here, I wouldn't tell him until the last possible moment.

"I have to tell you something..." I mumble, purposely making it inaudible. Madi clears her throat and I sit up straight. I look him in the eye and my throat again, gets tight. "Niall...I'm pregnant."

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