♥Chapter: 16♥

Start from the beginning

"Xavier! Please wake up! It's 6am there's school, and I gotta tell you something!"

"Wha-wha-what is it mom?" He said getting aggravated.

"Xavier, snap out if it boy! It's Camille... I gotta go over to my place for at least 30 minutes... my landlord called and it's important. I'll be right back! Don't go to school without me." I said changing into my red sweater, jeans, and sandals.

"Mmmhmm..." He said still half asleep.

"Xavier did you hear me? Please don't leave without me! I'll be right back. I promise."

"Go away!" He said, still thinking I'm his mom.

I rolled my eyes, and decided to just let him sleep. He'll eventually get up for school.

I went up to him and kissed him lightly on the cheek. I loved this boy so much, unlike Tyrese he was a real man to me.

"I'll be right back boo okay?" I said hoping that he realizes its me now.

"Mhmmm.." He mumbled again.

I lightly closed his bedroom door, grabbed my bag and headed out of his place, headin over to mine.

I got to my housing project within 10 minutes of fast walking. There are about three police cars out by the side of the building. I wondered what the heck was goin on. I quickly got inside, heading down to the landlord's office and knocked on the door 3 times.

"Come in." She said.

I entered her office and saw dozens of papers around the floor and her place lookin mad trashy. Damn, she must get a lot of work on her hands.

"Ms. Edwards. I got mad news for you." She said sternly as she flied through her cabinets.

"Um... iight. Wassup?" I said taking a seat.

"You shouldn't be in that dang cheerful mood, when your placed got jacked up!"

"What the hell you mean jacked up? I left my place clean as ever. Is that what the heck you called me for?"


"Than tell me what the fuck happened!" I said getting highly annoyed at this woman.

"Listen, I don't know what the hell type of people you hang out with, but now I got a bad housing reputation, BECAUSE OF YOU!!"

"What the fuck? I ain't even know what the heck you talkin about. Get to the chase."

"HERE!" She threw a doorknob at me and folded her arms, lookin like she's ready to explode.

"What the? What the hell am I suppose to do with this shit!?"


I soon realized it was my doorknob, after fitting my key into it. I knew they finally had my door open, but not I'm just damn confused. Why the hell they took my doorknob out?

"Wait minute... my door just got reopened last week after I couldn't even get into my fuckin place, and now you just BROKE IT OFF AGAIN!? How the hell am I suppose to get inside my fuckin house!!!?"


I froze... SHE SAID WHAT!? I've been WHAT!? This is unbelievable... I'VE BEEN ROBBED!? WHO THE FUCK DID THIS TO ME!!!?


"GIRL, DON'T PRETEND LIKE YOU DIDN'T FUCKIN HERE ME! Your door is gone, your stuff is gone, your placed is trashed, your shit is gone, YOUR HOMELESS NOW GIRL. I don't know where the hell you been, but now I gotta figure out a way to get your placed fixed! Since you ain't livin here anymore."

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