Part 7

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All parts are unedited. I will come back and edit them as I have time. Please keep in mind that I wrote this 50 page short story in 3 days so please excuse the errors. It flowed so seamlessly I just had to share it with everyone ASAP!!


Rory's POV

Two and a half weeks until finals. Then I could be done with the New York chapter of my life. I wasn't sad to move home. I was looking forward to it. I was looking forward to a life with Marissa.

When she rejected my proposal three years ago I would have never thought that I'd stand here today working on building back what we once had. I still had that love for her.

I wasn't stupid. I knew to a point that Marissa was using me as a crutch. She'd call over the tiniest thing and I'd be left trying to make her feel whole again. It was exhausting but I didn't mind. You spend that time and patience on someone when you love them like this.

I was about three hours into study time when we all decided to skip out for dinner. I flipped out my phone and realized I had a missed call from Marissa. It made my heart skip a beat. I was always so worried that I'd get that one call that was really serious. But the text that followed that call made me relax. It just said 'I miss you.'

"Marissa?" Gina came up behind me with a worried expression. She knew about a lot of what had been going on between Marissa and I.

"Yeah. I think she's okay though. She sent me a text telling me she missed me."

"Maybe you should call her. You know, just in case." She smiled. Gina was a sweet girl. Her and her girlfriend had allowed me to crash at their place a few times since it was closer to campus than my place.

"I'll call her after dinner."

I had all intentions to call her after supper but we got caught right back into the groove of studying and it slipped my mind. It wasn't until we were wrapping things up that I realized I had forgotten about the call. Guiltily I grabbed my phone and immediately dialed her number.

"Hey baby girl." I coo.

"I was worried." Oh shit. She's pretty upset.

"Sorry. I was in study hall." I explain.

"For five hours?" Really mad.

"Except for dinner yes."

"Why didn't you call me during dinner?" She starts to cry.

"Are you okay baby?" She doesn't sound like herself.

"Don't change the subject." I sigh before answering.

"Because I didn't go to dinner alone, a bunch of us went and I didn't want to be rude and be on the phone. Stop this. Nothing is going on. I told you this was going to be a rough few last weeks then I was coming home."

"I know." I can hear her crying but it's much less than before.

"Did you take your medicine today?" I doubt she has.

"Is that all you care about?" She yells at me. "If I've taken my medication or eaten like a good girl?"

"Marissa..." I can't believe she's yelling at me. She's never one to yell.

"Why can't you wonder about other things like 'what did I do today' or 'what are you wearing'? Why is it when I am an emotional day because I am missing you that you automatically assume I didn't take my medication?"

"I am sorry."

"No you're not. You always do this. I am sick of this."

"What are you saying?" Is she ending things with me.

Till Loves End #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now