Pretty Brown Eyes

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We're sitting in the studio, we've been doing the same bloody song for an hour. This was a lot easier when we weren't scared of screwing up. Pete and Steve are drinking their frustration, Joe just keeps getting mad every time Mutt tells him to go higher, Rick is just sitting at his drum kit frustrated. I sit on the stool with my bass on my lap, I smoke while Mutt argues with Joe.

"I'm telling you, it's going to sound great." Mutt assures him.

"How are we supposed to know?" Joe complains.

"Joe just listen to him, mate." I say and he shakes his head.

"Hold on." Mutt holds up his finger. "Molson, sweetie, can you come in here a minute." He calls out the door.

A small dark haired girl walks in with a slight smile on her face. Her big brown eyes twinkle under the studio lights, she's beautiful. She wears a Pink Floyd shirt that's cut so you can see part of her stomach, a pair of blue jeans, and black pair of Chuck Taylor's.It must be Molson, how haven't I seen her before? We've been recording here for a month and a half and I've never seen her before. Mutt looks over to her.

"Hi Mutt." Molson smiles, she has a sweet little accent. American?

"Hi sweetie, this is Def Leppard, this is Molson." Mutt introduces.

"Hi." She waves at us and we wave back.

"What's this, your kid?" Pete asks and Mutt shakes his head.

"No, she works here." He turns back to Molson and hands her a set of headphones. "Would you listen to this?"

"Okay." She slides them over her dark brown locks.

Molson is quiet while she listens to the song. When she pulls them off and hands them back to Mutt. She smiles at us.

"I think it sounds great." Molson says sweetly.

"See you guys, it's going to go over great." Mutt tells us and she turns to leave.

"Hey, oi! Can you hear us still?" I speak up and Molson turns around.

"Yeah, we can hear you." Mutt tells me.

"I think your accent's cute. Where are you from?" I tell Molson and she giggles.

She tells Mutt and he relays the message.

"She's Canadian, Sav." He tells me and Rick perks up.

"Molson Beaumont?" He asks and Molson nods, confused. "Jesus Christ! I haven't seen you since we were twelve and you made me eat dirt." Rick says as we laugh.

"She weighs like a hundred pounds, you're telling me she pushed you around?" Steve laughs.

"Well I'm not overly pleased about it but yeah." Rick laughs and Molson laughs, I can only hear it slightly but it's the sweetest sound I've ever heard. "I'm sorry about your mum and dad." Rick says scratching the back of his neck.

Mutt sends her outside and Rick looks mad, I'm not overly pleased about it either.

"Rick, Sav, she's really wants to see you guys but you got to finish this first." Mutt says.

We finish up the song and Mutt tells us that's good for today. I pack up my bass but worry, with Rick knowing Molson does that destroy any chances I had with her? Were they together? Rick walks up beside me.

"You like her, huh?" He smiles and I shrug.

"How old is she?" I wonder. "I don't want her parents...." I trail off, knowing something had happened to them.

"She turned eighteen in January." Rick tells me. "I just I wouldn't ask about her parents. They died in December."

"How do you know her?" I ask.

"Her grandparents lived next door to my mum and dad before they moved here. I've known her for years." Rick says.

"Did you, uh.." I say and he shakes his head.

"No, don't worry, mate." Rick laughs. "You want to meet her?" I smile.

"Yeah, alright," I laugh.


I stand by the file cabinet, putting paperwork in the proper file. I stand on my tip toes to see the file names, I hate being short. I'm about five foot four, nearly everyone towers over me.

The thing I can't get out of my head is Rick is here, in a band. And the bass player likes my accent, that's a first. Growing up in Montreal, I speak both English and French but a couple of my words come out in a French over coat due to growing up with my dad. Most people here hate my accent.

The bass player, Sav, I think he was called. That's a weird name. But there's something about him, I can't name it but I can't get him out of my head. I don't know why, I don't know a single thing about him but then again, I've always been told that love at first sight.

My dad always told me the minute he say my mum that he was in love with her. Could that be a really thing? I mean he swore on it, or he used to. I push my dad and mum from my head. I don't want to think about them, every time I do I break down and cry. I don't think that'll make a good impression on my employers.

I drop the last of the paperwork into a file and turn around, right into Rick's hug. He picks me up and spins me around.

"You miss me or something?" I say as I hug him back.

"Well yeah!" Rick puts me on my feet. "Look at you!"

"Grew out of pigtails and braces huh?" I laugh. "Though I never had the braces. Look at you, drummer for Def Leppard at seventeen?"

"Told you I'd make it, Molson." He smiles.

"So are you going to introduce us?" One of the band members ask from the door.

"Or are you going to leave us to our imagination?" Another asks.

"Right." Rick takes my hand and pulls me over to the band. "This is my friend Molson Beaumont."

"Like the beer?" One asks.

"Exactly like the beer." I laugh.

"Right, friend." Said the one from before. "No way, you could make friends with a pretty girl like that." I laugh and Rick try's to cover my ears.

"Thats Joe, Steve, Pete, and Sav. Erm, Rick Savage, it's just easier to call him that so we don't get confused." Rick explains and I nod. "Because I'm Rick and he's Rick." I laugh.

"I got it, Rockstar." I say and the others laugh.

We talk in the office room for a while.

"You drink?" Steve asks and I nod. "When are you off then?" I look at my watch.

"'Bout ten minutes ago." I admit with a laugh.

"Then why are we still here?" Pete question. "Let's go to a bar!"

They walk out the door and Rick looks at me.

"Should you call your grandparents?" He wonders as I shake my head. "Not getting along with them, then?"

"Not in the slightest." I admit and he smiles.

I love my grandparents but ever since I moved in with them they've been on my ass like crazy. Do your homework, finish high school, rugby is stupid, stop calling home the Habs will do fine without you. Jesus.

Rick and I walk out the door and Sav walks up beside me.

"I really do think your accent is pretty." He smiles.

"Thanks, I like yours to." I say and he laughs.

"I don't have an accent here, we're in England remember?" Sav says and I laugh.

"Fair enough." I say.

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