Chapter 8

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A.N: Hey... okay weird side note, but you're beautiful. Just smile more k? Life goes on with or without you so might as well keep up. Love you all :3




How I managed to dodge the spoon that was flung full speed at my head was miraculous even for me. For reasons I don't understand, when I'm in a grumpy mood I have impeccable coordination.

I continued to sip my coffee in what would have been peace if not for Mina's constant outbursts. It had been exactly 30 minutes since I had gotten back from my lecture, an hour since I got back from Wes's house, and approximately 2 minutes since I told Mina what had gone down behind Wes's closed doors - not that anything interesting really went on.

"Are you even listening to me?!" I nodded slowly at yet another outburst of words and took another sip. It had only been 2 minutes but it felt like she'd been shouting at me for at least a decade. A sliver of peace passed by before it was abruptly interrupted by a loud sigh. I raised my head only to be met by a disgruntled Mina with her back to the fridge. She shook her head slowly and rubbed the arch of her nose with her thumb. When she looked up all I could do was smirk and face the kitchen window. 

"So that's it?" I didn't even bother looking back at her as a cloud slowly made its way across the window. Without Mina's yelling, it was a pretty peaceful day. After coming back from Wes's place, I had gulped down two cups of coffee before proceeding to ignore a very curious Mina. I had less than 30 minutes to get ready and I wasn't going to spend it arguing about my love life. By the time I had reached the elevator, I was 10 minutes late and deeply regretting not drinking another cup of caffeine. 

"Mia, you didn't answer my question." I was snapped out of my daydream by clicking fingers. I traced the fingers back to the face of one of my best friends. She looked as annoyed as I felt. I guess that was why we both got along so well: we both wore our hearts on our sleeves. 

"Uh.. sorry... what did you say?" I placed my cheek in my palm and looked placidly towards a murderous-looking Kenyan woman. 

"I asked if this is it." When she noticed I still didn't understand she sighed and motioned for me to listen up.

"You told me that you and Wes didn't do anything last night right? And that you got into a fight right? Then what's next?" I gazed at her for a while before the seriousness of her question hit me. 

"You never thought about it did you?" Well in my defense I didn't really have time to think about it seeing as I was rushing to get to meetings this morning but the woman was speaking the truth. What about our deals? Our future plans? Damn it!

"Damn it, Mina! What am I going to do?! He's obviously mad at me and our deal could be in jeopardy!!"

"Not to forget that you just angered one of the most powerful men in the world." I glared at her as I inwardly cringed. Thanks a lot for the support friend. 

"But then again you have kicked him in the balls before and he was still willing to go through with things."

The reality of the situation was shocking indeed. I had done worse things than push the guy away from me and he had still come back to push forward with the deal... but why?

"There can only be two reasons as to why." As if reading my mind Mina placed her now empty mug onto the counter and put her thinking cap on. "Either he is faking all of this and just wants to get into your pants," very likely, ".... or there's something about partnering with you that makes him desperate. He really needs something from you and would do anything to achieve it." There was a deep silence as we stared at each other. I couldn't help but repeat the last part of her sentence over and over again in my head. I felt a cold gust of air hit my chest as everything started to blur up in my mind. Wes was planning something and I could feel it... but I wasn't quite sure if I could really trust its intentions. I have to bring these issues up to him in our next meeting. It just doesn't make sense as to why he would all of a sudden want to partner with us.

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