Chapter 1

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A.N: Hello My Beautiful People! Love you all! Have a great read and don't forget to Vomment :3



"What makes a good business? Does anyone know?" A loud buzz of murmurs erupted from the crowd in front of me as I paced on the stage. I waited a while before I continued.

"It's pretty simple actually," I stopped pacing and looked at the crowd that mostly consisted of men. I shot one of the men in front that had been sleeping for the last 30 minutes an icy cold glare as I walked down the stairs situated in the middle of the platform and towards him. "It's kind of like a good relationship..."

I was now directly in front of the still sleeping man and I couldn't help but smirk wickedly. He really looked like he had a rough night. He had glasses shading his eyes and his hair was horribly disfigured in that wanna-be hot kind of way. His tie was loosely fitted around his neck and the sky blue shirt he was wearing heavily contrasted against his dark navy blue suit.

Ah.... So we got a player in the house do we?

With one gentle movement I took off the sleeping man's glasses and put them on. I placed my hands adjacently on the arms of his chair and leaned forward slightly. This is going to be fun.

"Wake up sweetheart; we're not done yet..." I watched with satisfaction as the man squirmed a little in his sleep from my sweet whisper. I don't think anyone could miss that undeniable crooked smile on his bristled face.

"I know..." his face was now directly facing mine and I couldn't help but laugh at the look his seating buddy was giving me. It was a mix of confusion and giddy anticipation as if I was planning on sticking my tongue down the guy's throat to wake him up. Ha! This room is filled with perverts.

"Then why don't you open your eyes? I have something to show you..." At my words his eyes shoot open and the look on his face said it all. I watched with a perky smile on my face as emotions danced around his pretty brown eyes, one of which was confusion. I took a while before he realized the position he was in and stiffened


"Why don't we make a deal?" I slowly pulled away from the slightly embarrassed guy in front of me as I removed his glasses and dangled them from my pinky finger. "How about you promise never to have perverted dreams in my class again and I promise I won't throw you out of here?" I watched as the man nodded his head briskly as he tried to conceal his face.

"Good. And I'm keeping these." I tucked his glasses between my shirt and chest as I walked back to the podium. I could practically feel the billions of eyes glued to my butt, which only caused a disgusted shiver to run down my spine.

"Like I was saying... a good business is like a good relationship in the way that if you ignore it, it will only fall apart or if you make the wrong decisions it won't last long." I watched with a sense of fulfillment as realization sparked in some people.

"In other words, treat your business like its trash and it will only produce trash, right sir?" I looked at the nap man in front with a questioning look as he tried his best to hide from all the stares from people around him. "However, if you treat your business right then you might just have a chance at something that could last forever." I looked down to my list of jotted notes as a deafening crescendo of applause came from the crowd. I tried my best to hold back a shy smile but I'm pretty sure I failed.

I spent the next hour explaining different tactics to go about for different businesses while subtly hinting some good relationship advice. I ended up having a better time than I had expected and by the end of it I was sure that everyone else had enjoyed it too. I sighed as I realized I was done for the day.

Love Isn't BusinessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora