Chapter 2

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A.N: Thanx for reading the last chapter and enjoy the next. Kind of my favourite :3



I can't do this.

"And then I said 'That's your wife? I could have sworn that was a cow!'" It seemed more amusing to me how the whole table erupted into laughter at a joke made no sense whatsoever. God why?!

I was seated at one of the longest tables in the hotel's restaurant accompanied by a large group of men. They all seemed to have the same thing going for them: all rich, all pompous, all friends, and all boys. It was as if I was looking at a mirror reflection of the same guy, just... in different bodies. I honestly believed that they were all distant relatives or something.

"You okay?" I turned in the direction of the silent whisper only to find a blinding smile underneath pools of chocolate. Harry.

"Yeah, I'm fine. It's just - how can you even stand listening to this garbage?" Harry chuckled lowly at my comment, which caused me to smile. 

Harry White. The dashingly young British CEO of the White Publishing Industry. Studied literature at Cambridge University and possesses an MBA from London Business School. Recently broke up with his hot supermodel fiancé and is still looking for love. How exactly do I know that? Meet my third partner in crime.

"So, how's the business going?" I scrunched my nose at his question which only caused him to roll his eyes in annoyance. I knew he hated it when I did that.

"Please don't tell me we're going to talk about business. Cant a girl have one night off?" I sighed miserably and sipped my mock-tail.

"This is practically a business dinner so what else are we going to talk about?" I tapped my finger on my chin as I thought really hard.

"How about... we ditch this place and go grab a slice? I'm sure these degenerate's can think of something better to do on a Friday night." the laugh that came out of that man's mouth was no ordinary laugh. It was so loud I swear you could hear it from every inch of the room. I tried my best to act as if I wasn't talking to him but for some unknown reason, I couldn't stop the choking sound that materialized itself into a laugh. Stupid Brit.

It took a while before we settled down to talk like normal people. Turned out that the poor guy was still looking for someone that wouldn't treat him like an ATM machine. I honestly felt bad for him and could wholeheartedly relate. People honestly don't know how tough it is to find someone when your one of the world's richest men. At least I had a choice to find someone back in college before I got to where I am today but Harry was practically born into wealth. Kai, rich people problems.

A couple minutes into our conversation and all of a sudden the table began to quiet down. It was weird. One minute we were the loudest people in the whole of Dubai and then the next thing you know it's like someone had just died.

"He's here." I gave Harry a confused look but he wasn't even looking at me. He had his business face on and was slightly more rigid than usual. Okay...

The doors to the restaurant were thrown open behind me and the next thing I know the whole restaurant goes silent. I turn around expecting a terrorist to be entering the building only to find a man. However, this was no ordinary man. Dear Lord...

You know how when those cheesy romance novels describe the main characters future bae and it's like "...with a face of a god..." or "...his chiseled features that rivaled that of Discobolus..." or something like that? Well, not to be faint but the man that was standing in front of me was no mere mortal. With his raven spiked hair and lean muscular physique, it was no wonder that every woman in the area was silent. His slightly tanned complexion only made his light orbs stand out even more. It was like pools of green, blue, and light brown had been mixed together and given to him as eyes. The way power radiated off of him only made him look even better in his sleek black suit jacket, faded jeans, and crisp white dress shirt. Have you sent an angel to bring me to you, Lord? Because if so then I'm not complaining!

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