Chapter six

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pic of Jason
Not edited

I walked away from the little boy down to where blade's office I think I walked in the room there's a girl sucking his face of I had a hint of jealousy,hurt,pain and anger.

He then looked up and pushed the slut away a voice in my head took control and I was screaming in pain of what ever it was doing the pain slowly vanished and I looked down so see black paws. I then looked up and "Let Me explain" I tried to speak but it came out as a bark. Blade walked closer to me and I backed away.

"Please let me explain shift red" ha said but I don't know how to shift "do you know how to shift into human form" he asked I shakes my head no " think about being human".

I thanked about being a human my bones cracked into its right place.



So guys what do you think what's going to happen?

Any way love y'all my little readers








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