"Fine. But now you owe me tickets to something else amazing. To keep this little spy agency under wraps." Donna winks at us and walks out.

"I have a feeling this is going to become a frequent thing?" I ask Harvey.

"Sure. Why not? You're my Harvey's Angel. Only I think you're missing a wing." His devilish smirk was so condescending.

Like he was threatening me to rip off the other and take me in the back seat all over again, only further this time. I walk up to Harvey, my palm on his desk as I click my fingers. I lean down into him, my nose grazing his.

"I want you too. But I've got a mission to complete first, my boss wouldn't like it if I blew my cover so quickly." I whisper, running a finger over his lips.

He takes in a deep breath and closes his eyes, waiting for me to kiss him.

I lean in further and chuckle, my lips barely touching his.

"I've got to talk to Mike about the case." I say softly, leaving him to sit there with nothing but that.


I walk into Harvey's office, a smirk on his face.

"Wow!" I shout, snapping him out of his trance.

"What?" He asks as if I hadn't noticed.

"I haven't seen you fall for someone like that since, well, me." Chuckling, I throw his feet off of his desk and slap his knees, watching him squirm.

"Well, you're wrong, cause I love you. Not her."

"Well, not yet. But you like her."

"We kissed, but that was it. She's my employee. I'd like to have sex with her, yes, but beyond that?" He shrugs.

"And we had sex, I mean it was after I was your secretary but you hired me for your move to Pearson Hardman. The employee thing is bullshit and we both know it."

"What do you want, Donna?"

"Just do whatever you want to do with her and see how you feel afterward. I mean, other than me, she's the woman for you. She's modest, but confident, she's light hearted and fun, perfect to offset you, she does anything for you for the sake of it being you, not because it's her job, she's beautiful and she was a stripper! If that doesn't scream Harvey Specter, then I guess I didn't know you as well as I thought." He's smiling at me and he nods at me.

"You're right. And I hate when you're right. Get out."

"Okay, well, I'm taking these." I say, picking up the file on the case against Barboas.

"What, why?"

"Faxing them over to your little Harvey's Angel. She'll need the whole scoop, right?" My grin is wide and he is reading me with piercing eyes.

"You left the intercom on... Again."

"And I won't ever learn." I smack the folder against my butt and strut out.

Harvey. Freaking. Specter.


I clap my hands and look at the lovely set table. I had an expensive ass bottle of wine I bought with some of the stripping tips. I had laid out a candle lit dinner for Harvey and I. I knew it wasn't right of me to persuade him into sleeping with me but I couldn't help it, and I didn't care, if we end up as friends with benefits, that would even be alright with me, but after that kiss. I couldn't stop thinking about him being on top of me.

Suitless (Harvey Specter)Where stories live. Discover now