Chapter 2 back in time?

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Your POV
...I sing a soft verse, from the book of time...
I needed to come back to life...for him...
For Goldie...
"Please...Let me go..." The Angels surround me and raise their arms, pointing to me, suddenly light surrounds me.
" will not be the same as before...
Are you ok with that?" Violet says worriedly, looking at me.
I nod. "I know...what I am doing..I will not fail...not now.. And not ever" she nods smiling.
Suddenly I black out.
Chirp chirp
I wake up to the sound of A alarm clock and look around, I'm in a forest,
What's going on.... I get up and look down at my clothes to see that I'm wearing a black crop top and red pants along with black boots,
Um question.
Why am I wearing a crop top...
I look up and smirk.
"I'm coming back!!" I yell out, I smile really proud of the Angels and myself. I then turn around to see a glass shard on the ground, I pick it up to take a good look of myself and gasp.
I drop the glass,
My full of blood and...half my face is covered with a mask
W-what....I turn around and start running at the sight of street, I then see its nighttime and I sigh in relief, I look around to see the Freddy fazbear pizzeria and quickly run there, I sigh when I see the doors are opened and run quickly inside.
"Goldie I'm here!!!" I yell out, smiling.
I look around to see some animatronics...more freakier...and....
Bonnie looks like a girl?....uh...
...I start walking silently. I don't know exactly what's going on...
I then hear a woman talking. "Goldie thank you so much for protecting me..." She mutters.
Goldie!! I was about to run to the voices when I hear him,
"I-I n-no p-problem.." He says back brightly, but stuttering nervously.
Huh what's going on, I then walk through a hall and see some light, I take a peak and see a girl of black hair in the office, Goldie is there, his cheeks tinted with pink.
My heart starts pounding in my chest. I then black out again, and then I wake up once more.
I look up and get up.
....what the hel-
....I'm here.... I then get up to see the old animatronics, on stage.
I sigh, and then I see some light from the hall. The office...
I blush slightly and walk quietly to the office and gasp at what I see .
Goldie...drinking his heart to a girl....on the ground naked.
He continues to drink while the girl is sleeping, her beautiful blonde hair showing on the light.
I then feel a tear come down to my face.
What the hell is going on...
Is this a dream..
Is this my nightmare coming true?
Why can't my dream come true!!
That's all I ask of you!!

FNAF Human! Goldie X Reader #2 Love Never DiesWhere stories live. Discover now