
"Where are you? Get to school, now!" Melissa McCall said down the phone, trying to reach her son. Her daughter, McKenzie, had just arrived and was waiting for it to start so she could go to Derek's house.

"Perhaps we should start?" Mr Harris questioned the two McCall's.


"Lately, Scott's mind has been somewhere else, as has his body. Personally, i think it's to do with his home situation," Harris stated, not caring about Melissa's feelings. Or McKenzie's for that matter.

"Oh, well, personally, I'm not sure what you mean by 'home situation'," Melissa stated, clearly offended.

"Uh, specifically the lack of an authority figure."

"Yeah, well, Mom's the authority figure so-" McKenzie started.

"Sorry. Allow me to clarify. I mean the lack of a MALE authority figure," Harris interrupted.

"Oh. Well. Trust me, we're  better off without him in the picture," Melissa said, uncomfortable with the topic at hand.

"Well, does Scott feel the same way?"

"Yes. I think so. I hope so."


"Allison Argent. An incredibly sweet girl. And quick to adjust, despite all the moving around," Miss Smith said, reading Allison's file.

"We know it's hard on her, but it's a necessary evil," Mr Argent said, looking at his wife.

"Necessary or not, I'd be prepared for some - How do I put this?"

"Rebelliousness?" Mrs Argent filled in. "We appreciate the concern, but we have a great relationship with our daughter. Very open and honest."

"I'm happy to hear that. Let her know i hope she feels well soon," Miss Smith said, having no idea how much trouble she got Allison in.

"She wasn't in class?" Mr Argent questioned.

"Oh, she wasn't in school. I checked with the office."


McKenzie P.O.V

I stepped outside after the conference and walked down in the car park. I saw Allison's car and decided to scare the unsuspecting couple inside. I climbed on the roof as quietly as I could. I tapped on the front window, then the passenger and last, but not least, the drivers window. I then jumped on the bonnet causing both Allison and Scott to scream.

"Hey guys, hows it going?" I grinned.

They both got out the car. Mom started walking over, along with with Mr and Mrs Argent.

"Hey mom. I'm staying over at a friends tonight. Is that okay?" I asked her.

"Yes of course. Just swing by in the morning and get changed."

I slowly started jogging over to the woods when i heard a scream behind me. I whirled around and saw something running around. I saw Scott moving Allison out the way of a car. I grabbed Mr Stilinski before he could get hit by a car and took the hit myself. I was dizzy for a few moments, then two gunshots rang through the air, clearing my thoughts.

"I'm okay. I'm okay," I reassured mom. I went to see what was shot and discovered a mountain lion. Oh dear god.


Derek P.O.V

I finished setting up the blanket for Ze and I's first date. I suddenly felt a pain in my waist and my head. Ze! I ran all the way to the school and found a dead mountain lion in the parking lot, along with all three of the McCall's.

"Ze? Are you alright?" I asked her from my crouched down position in the woods. I couldn't let Miss McCall see me.

"I'm fine. What are you doing here?"

"Checking on you! Come here. I have a surprise for you," I said, before flashing my eyes blue so she could see me properly.

I saw her start to walk over. Here goes nothing. I grabbed her hand once she was close enough and we ran up to the candle lit picnic blanket I had set up. Where I had set it up, you could see the entire of beacon hills. The streetlights were beautiful and I made all the food myself.

"Derek? What is this? It's beautiful!" She exclaimed, covering  her mouth with her hands.

"This, Ze, Is our first date."

I led her to the blanket and sat down on one of the pillows. I sat her down on my lap and she snuggled into my chest. After grabbing the blanket and wrapping it around us, I grabbed the basket.

"There's grapes, strawberries, pancakes, waffles and chocolate. There's also pizza. For drinks, there's cola, water or pink lemonade. So, what would you like?"

"A slice of pizza and a water please," she said, still nuzzled into my chest.

I grabbed her a slice of cheese pizza and a bottle of water and handed them to her. I then proceeded to grab myself a bottle of cola and a slice of pizza.

"This view is amazing," Ze said, smiling.

"I'm glad you like it. I wanted our first date to be perfect."

I fed her some grapes and she decided to feed me strawberries.Once we had our fill of food, I picked her up bridal style and carried her to the tent I had set up. She yawned, making me chuckle. I placed her in the sleeping bag and got her changed into the t-shirt i brought for her. I then proceeded to get changed myself and lie down next to her. I wrapped an arm around her waist protectively and listened to the sound of her soft breathing. Before she fell asleep, I whispered three words.

"I love you."

And the best part? She whispered them back.


And so, episode 5 is completed. Thank you for 500 reads. I've been wanting to write the date for a while now but never knew where to put it. I think that the next chapters are going to be the best. I already have the last chapter planned out. I'll update as much as I can this weekend. Again, thanks for reading. Make sure to comment, vote and share.


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