I was waiting to grab our luggage from the conveyor belt when I noticed a line of people holding up names to pick people up and my eyes widened. It was this one particular card which read my name. I dismissed the thought from my mind. That could be anyone. There are so many Reeces out there, right? My stomach knotted up and I was starting to feel a little uneasy.

Mark. I had to find Mark before he noticed the sign. I looked around for Mark but then I remembered I had to grab the luggage off the conveyor belt.

"Shoot!!" I saw my familiar blue suitcase on the far left of the belt. I looked around for a way to grab it but there were too many people on the left side. Oh well only one way of grabbing it now.

Lord please don't get me arrested for doing this. With that prayer I took off my shoes and hopped on the belt trying to reach my suitcase. I heard lots of yelling at me from other passengers but I was almost there.

"I got it!" I said out loud and suddenly I felt two strong arms on my waist, lifting me off from the belt. I squeezed my eyes shut preparing myself for a night in airport jail, if that even existed.

"What do you think you're doing?" I heard a familiar voice in my ear. I turned around and I heaved a sigh of relief.

"Oh thank god Mark, I thought you were the airport security."

"Yeah thank god because I saw two policemen walking towards you. Are you on drugs or something?"

"No!" I yelled out. He raised an eyebrow at me.

"Sorry that didn't sound very convincing" I gave him a sheepish smile, "what I meant was, no I'm not on drugs and I was distracted for a second when I turned around I saw our luggage on the far left side and I couldn't reach it"

"Ahan and you decided to ride the belt because..?" he trailed off keeping a serious expression.

"Well if you say it out loud it sounds stupid, but at that moment it seemed like a good idea!" I snapped back.

"Okay Ree let's get out of here before they identify you on camera and capture us. Then the front page of tomorrow's newspaper would read: Crazy Lady with handsome boyfriend tried to ride the conveyor belt" he chuckled and I hit him on the back of his head. ..........................................................................................

We arrived at the hotel 20 minutes later. I still hadn't returned any of Adam's calls or texts and I decided I would just tell him later saying that I wanted to surprise him or something. I was so tired that my eyes were heavy with sleep.

We walked in through the front doors and my sleep instantly vanished at the sight of the luxurious interior of the hotel. Adam had really gone all out. A huge chandelier hung from the ceiling in the center and there was a mini bar to the left. A small fountain was situated in the middle of the lobby and there were huge expensive paintings everywhere on the walls. It seemed as if I stepped in a hotel in France, not L.A.

When I said earlier that I was feeling a little guilty about not replying to him, now I felt like killing myself. I made a mental note to send in a voicemail when I got up to our room.

I went over to the reception.

"Welcome to the Plaza Hotel, how may I help you" the receptionist plastered a fake smile on her face. I felt sorry for her, she had to smile at every guest. Gosh if I smiled that much, my facial muscles would start to hurt.

"Reservations for Reece Anne Bennit please"

"Just a moment Ma'am" she tapped away on her computer before looking up at me again.

"Here's your card for the pent house, it's on the last floor. Enjoy your stay" she smiled at me, handing me the card. I just gaped at her in return.

"Is there a problem Ma'am?" She seemed to notice my perplexed expression.

"Did you say the whole pent house? This must be a mistake"

"Let me confirm that again" She started typing away at her computer.

"Miss Reece Anne Bennit, pent house. No there's no mistake"

"But I.."

"What's wrong sweety?" Mark interrupted me.

I gulped and took a long breath.

"Everything's fine" I smiled weakly.

"Great! Tell me the suite number and I'll inform the bell boy to bring up our luggage"

"It's the whole Pent house" I manage to blurt out.

Mark's expression mirrored my earlier perplexed one upon hearing that. ...............................................................................

After regaining composure from my statement Mark kissed me and thanked me.

I wish I could do the same to Adam but my guilty conscience was eating me away. I swiped in the card and honestly I was too tired to be surprised again. It was the whole pent house for Christ's sake! There weren't enough expressions in the world to describe what I was feeling right now.

Mark was better at expressing his feelings because he let out a long whistle and started checking everything out. From the 58" Flat screen T.V to the double door fridge, might I add, packed with food! And the rooms were just to die for. It's shame we were using only one, I would love to have a huge comfy bed all to myself. I could get used to this life but even with all this, something tugged at my heart. I knew what it was but I had to ignore it for now, just like Becca said.

"I can't thank you enough! This is the best anniversary present ever! I feel kind of guilty that my present isn't as great as yours but I'm hoping you would like it" he scratched the back of his head.

"It's fine, you know you don't have to spoil me with expensive presents to buy my love" I could feel bile rising in my throat at my words. How could I say that when I had cheated on him.

"I love you Ree" He cupped my face in his hands and kissed my nose.

It felt like hours just standing in the middle of the living room thinking what has gone wrong in my life in these past few days.

"I'm going to get some shut eye then tomorrow we'll go sight seeing!" Mark called out from the bathroom. His voice snapped me out of my thoughts and I took it as my cue to leave Adam a voicemail.

"Hi Adam, umm I didn't know you booked us a pent house, you shouldn't have. I'm sorry I couldn't return your texts or calls, I just got time to check my phone. I made it to the hotel safe, I hope I didn't worry you much. Ermm I'm sorry if I did worry you. Sorry I'm rambling, sorry I'm saying sorry so much. Thanks." I ended the voicemail and facepalmed myself for leaving such a stupid voicemail.

I quickly sent a text to Becca telling her I was okay and that I would fill her in with all the details tomorrow.

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