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I had ridden in the wagon with Sansa who wasn't talking except to ask for new thread while she worked on her sewing. She tried to get me to join in, but I preferred to watch the people around us make their way North. The scenery was beautiful, and when I tried to point it out to her she wasn't interested. We settled into a comfortable silence both of us preoccupied with what we were doing. 

"What are we going to do?" she asks softly. I look up unsure if she had spoken she had done so softly. She's still working at her project, it looks like a scarf or something, and she doesn't look up even as I watch her. Shae shifts in her spot listening for my answer.

"That's up to you, we'll have you examined, but you can make the decision that you want to make," I turn back to watching the trees go by.

"What should I do?" she says in the same small voice. 

"I don't know," I continue to look around, "it's something that you'll have to think about," we slow down and come to a full stop. "It's lunch time," I say as Jaime comes up. He helps me down first, and then Sansa, and lastly Shae.

The two walk off together. "How is she?" he asks.

"I don't know. I think she's confused. She wants to know what to do about it and I honestly don't know," he puts his arm around me holding me close as we walk towards a field on the side of the road. We sit together on a blanket and eat the bread and whatever else we've been given. 

"We do need to talk to her about it."

"I don't want to make the decision for her," I say crinkling my brow. 

"You don't have to, go over what will happen depending on the decision."

"What if I don't know what will happen."

"You can always look ahead."

"But it can change, we both know we changed what happened with Joffrey. Who's to say someone else couldn't change it?"

"It doesn't have to be perfect, it could aid her in making the right decision for her," I lean on him as I continue to eat. "Have you seen Arya?" he asks suddenly.

"No, I've been with Sansa all day, and Arya hates riding in wagons. Why?" I go to sit up but his arm holds me there and he strokes my hand on my lap. 

"I haven't seen her all day," I sit up forcefully knocking his arm away. "I'm sure it's fine," he says quickly.

"I'm sure it is," I agree a sour taste in my mouth. "She's probably just thinking about everything that's going on. We shouldn't stay here long," I get up and he follows behind me back towards our convoy. I decide to ride for the afternoon and can't help but notice Jaime stays close. I appreciate his worry though so I don't complain. 

I look for Arya that night figuring we could all eat dinner together. I don't see her anywhere so I look for Gendry as well. "Excuse me, ser have you seen Lady Arya?" I ask one of the guards.

"No, I haven't, my Lady."

"What about Gendry Waters? The blacksmith?"

"I saw him earlier this morning but haven't seen him since."

"Thank you," I say walking away. I ask random people about Gendry lying about wishing to speak of a sword with him. After what feels like forever I go find Jaime.

"Her direwolf isn't following us," he says before I can speak. I swallow. 

"We have to bring her back," I go for Silver, but he grabs onto me. 

"You can't just leave, we need to lead these people North, half of them will gladly kill me in my sleep and we aren't even in your territory yet. If I'm going to earn their trust we need to work together."

"But Ary-."

"We'll send someone else."

"Who's going where?" I look to see Sansa. 

"Just some guards," I clear my throat. "We'll have more soon, don't worry about it. How was dinner?"

"Good," she attempts a smile. 

"Can you give Jaime and I a moment, we would like to talk to you, but we have to finish this. Meet us at our tent in a while."

"OK," she walks away and we wait until she's out of sight. 

"Who?" I hiss at him. 

"Don't get mad at me, I'm trying to do the right thing here," he says. "I'll find some people. Why don't you focus on where she is, you can do that you know," he pulls me into his arms. "She'll be fine," he kisses the top of my head and I relax a little in his arms. 

"Thank you," I walk away and go to my tent. I sit down cross-legged leaning against the center pole and breathe slowly. I find it hard to concentrate, my worry for Arya and for Sansa pours through, giving me a headache.

"Is it working?" I jump and open my eyes to see Tyrion. "You look frustrated," he says. "You're trying to locate Arya are you not?"

"Yes," I grumble.

"You have a lot going on with Sansa and making our way North."

"And?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Let's use logic to solve this mystery, when did you see Arya last?"

"Last night."

"And what did you talk about?"

"She wanted revenge."

"And you think you changed her mind?" he doesn't wait for my response. "Arya's an angry young woman. She's seen too much to be a child anymore," he says before I can protest. "You talking to her is going to go in one ear and out the other. All's she cares about is that another person has hurt her family."

"She's going back towards Kings Landing."

"Precisely," he says. "I have people following her, they'll bring her back."

"What do you mean?"

"I was trying to be helpful," he shrugs. "I didn't want to worry you, I figured they'd be back by now, but well obviously that hasn't happened."

"Who did you send?"

"Don't worry about that it is a repayment, for a debt."

"What debt?" 

"Allowing me to travel North with you and stay with Shae. Gendry is with them," he says pausing at the door on his way out. "They'll bring her back before she gets herself in trouble, don't worry about it."

The Finding of Lya StarkWhere stories live. Discover now