Prince Theon

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A/N: Yay another update! I should be updating my other story by tomorrow night :) Enjoy!

We walk into the encampment freely, the next day just as it is ending, with Catelyn at the lead Brienne and I next to each other leading our horses. The guards nod at Catelyn as we pass by as if Brienne and I are her shadows. We pass by people Catelyn asking if they’ve seen Robb. We are pointed in the same direction so we continue on, and then we spot him. He’s talking to a pretty girl, with his back to us. She seems to be enjoying whatever it is he is saying to her.

“Robb,” Catelyn says coming up next to him. He turns a look of surprise that is replaced by a smile rather quickly.

“Mother,” he moves in and hugs her tightly. “Lya,” he hugs me as well our hug lasting a little longer. “You’re lucky you’re my sister,” he says. The lady he had been speaking with starts crinkling a paper in her hands gaining our attention. Robb pulls back and looks at her. “Mother, Lya this is Lady Talisa. She’s been helping with the wounded,” he leads Catelyn in closer to her and I follow.

“Lady Talisa.”

“Ladies Stark,” they incline their heads towards one another.

“Lady Talisa…?”

“Lady Talisa Maegyr.”

“Where is that from?” I whisper to Catelyn.

“Don’t be rude, it’s impolite to whisper in front of people like this,” I blush at the reprimand as Catelyn continues on. “We are sorry we don’t know this name.”
“It is uncommon here, it is an old name in Vilantis. Excuse me My Lady, Your Grace,” she nods her head and turns to go.

“I’ll take care of the horses,” I offer taking Catelyn’s from her.

“Follow her,” Catelyn says to Brienne turning to follow Robb. I hurry after Talisa.

“Lady Talisa!” I call. She turns to see me and smiles slightly.

“How may I help you Lady Stark?”

“You may call me Lya. I’m not used to the whole title thing.”

“What do you mean?”

“I wasn’t raised as a Stark, it’s a long story, anyway. I saw the way you looked at Robb.”

“His Grace is very handsome.”

“He has a lot to worry about, and romance shouldn’t be one of them.”

“You’re one to talk, I hear you have a thing with Ser Jaime Lannister.”

“We don’t have a thing, all’s I’m trying to say is don’t be too distracting. We are doing alright so far, and you better not mess it up for him.”

“Noted Lya. It is sweet that you care for your brother so.” I nod at her and lead Brienne and the horses towards the stables. Brienne looks slightly uncomfortable. We drop the horses off and start back towards Robb and Catelyn.

“Is something bothering you?” I ask her.

“Was that your place to say something to her?”

“I’m only looking out for family,” I say. “You would do the same thing if a girl could get your brother killed.”

“I’m not the best when it comes to-.”

“You might not be the best with your words Brienne but I’ve seen you with a sword. You’re an intimidating force.” We come upon Catelyn and Robb conversing just as a man comes up.

The Finding of Lya StarkWhere stories live. Discover now