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I feel drained. Being angry, traveling all day, and then the shock of Sansa's confession left me falling asleep my head resting on Jaime's shoulder. She had finally fallen asleep her head on my lap. "We need to find a Maester," I say quietly. I run my fingers through Sansa's hair, and Jaime does the same to me. 

"Are you sure we can trust a Maester?"

"We could have trusted Luwin, he loved these children," I sigh. "We should have let him die. We should have figured something out to get Tyrion out of trouble and let the little bastard die," Jaime doesn't answer. "What if our kids are like that?" Joffrey was Jaime's child, the thought that our children would be like his had never crossed my mind. 

"I didn't raise him," he says and I'm a little shocked when he's not angry. "We'll do our best to raise our children right. He's a spoiled little brat who is-," his fingers fist in my hair and I wince as he pulls. "Sorry, I'm just... I can't believe Cersei raised her son to be like this."

"I don't think she has any control over him."

"Tommen and Myrcella are sweet, Tommen might make a good King if Cersei didn't have the power she does."

"There's nothing we can do about that," I mumble under my breath.


"I have half a mind to have him killed," I say. "Serves him right," I stop talking when I hear shouting and what sounds like Arya yelling back. 

"Lady Stark, Lord Lannister," a man sticks his head in looking scared. "Lady Arya was trying to sneak away."

"Bring her in," I say. They drag her in and she's still struggling. Her eyes fall on Sansa and she stops. "You can leave."

"I'll be back," Jaime kisses my cheek and gets up and leaves. 

"Is it true?" she says. I nod continuing to brush Sansa's hair. "It was Joffrey I know it," I don't answer or look back up at her. "Is she OK?"

"She's upset, but she'll be OK," I pat the spot Jaime had just vacated. She sits down, "where were you going?" I ask her.

"I'm going to kill him."

"Arya, he is part of our family, you can't go and kill him especially the King."

"I hate him," she says. "I hate a lot of people," she adds. "I'm so sick of people hurting our family, and there's nothing I can do about it," she starts to cry softly. I put her head on my shoulder and kiss her.

"Me too, me too. But how would Sansa feel, how would I feel if you were executed for treason? Do you think either of us want to lose another family member?"

"No," she says. "I wish there was something I could do for her."

"We're working on that. Try not to annoy her too much," I say. "Let Jaime and I figure it out."

"Lady Stark!" Gendry bursts through the tent door and Sansa sits up quickly. "Arya is-," he stops seeing Arya sitting next to me. He's dragged out by some guards. 

"Let him in!" I call out to them. "It's great that he could just burst in like that," I mutter under my breath. They are the guards the Queen sent with us, maybe they were trying to have us killed. Or me at least, I'm sure Cersei wanted Jaime back, just because she couldn't have him anymore. Gendry comes back in looking embarrassed. He bows to me. 

"I am so sorry for interrupting, M'Lady, I just. Well I didn't want Arya to get hurt."

"Don't worry about it Gendry the guards stopped me."

Sansa starts to get up, "I'm going to go back to Shae, and get some sleep now," she says the exhaustion clear in her voice. I get up and go to the entrance. 

"Ser," I say to a Stark guard. "Please escort Lady Sansa back to her tent."

"Yes My Lady," Sansa walks out with him and I turn back to Gendry who is standing in front of Arya. Arya looks pissed. 

"What did I miss?"

"He's being an asshole," she storms past me. I stop him from following her. 

"Jaime told me she has feelings for you," he looks away. 

"She's higher up than me."

"You know that's technically not true. I'm Wardeness of the North, all's you need is my permission," he nods not looking at me. I let him pass and sit back down. 

I wake up when Jaime crawls in next to me. "What did you figure out?" I mumble.

"We can see a Maester in two days if we keep at the speed we're going. How's Sansa?"

"Went back to Shae. Arya went off somewhere pissed. Stark guards will tail her though." I snuggle into him. "I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"Getting mad at you for no reason this morning."

He doesn't respond right away. "Joffrey and the other two, aren't my children. I have had no hand in raising them. I am more of a far off relation than an uncle to them. I promise, that when we have children of our own, I will be the best father ever," he kisses me gently. "Now sleep."

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