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I'm no longer in bed with Jaime, instead we're sitting at a table with a feast. I watch as events speed up around me and I do my best to follow a long. A woman pulls something off of a necklace Sansa has around her neck, puts something in a cup which ends up in Joffrey's hands and he chokes to death.

I sit up breathing hard. "You OK?" Jaime is sitting up as well. I feel his hand on my face pushing my hair off of it. When I don't respond, he finds my hand squeezing it. "Hun? Are you OK? Is it from earlier? I tried my hardest not to hurt you I-," the panic is rising in his voice.

"No it's, it's not that, give me a moment," I take deep breaths holding his hand. It was nice having him there to comfort me after waking up from a nightmare. "It wasn't- that was nice," I fight the blush I know is rising on my cheeks. "It hurt for a second but then it was nice. Do- do we have to go to the wedding?"

"I'm pretty sure we're expected there, why?"

"Something's going to happen. I need time to think," I get out of bed wincing slightly at the discomfort between my legs at first. I get some wine and then go to the window and open it looking out. I turn back to look at Jaime who was still sitting up his head leaned back. All that time he had spent in captivity and he still had a nice body.

I shake those thoughts from my mind. I needed to figure out what the hell was about to happen. I can't help the nagging feeling that this particular event was supposed to happen. The Godswood's words come back to me that I can change many events but maybe I was supposed to let something's happen. I'm afraid to see what is going to happen so I switch tracks. I focus on Brienne instead. I was worried about her, and I was also afraid to see how she was.

I had to though, I set the wine down on the table and take a breath in letting it out. I focus on the way she looked the last time I had seen her. Annoyed with Jaime probably thinking of ways she could kill him. Slowly an image takes shape. There's a shadow of a large form in the dark curled in on themselves. My eyes adjust to the dark a little more and I see she's naked. I swallow. There's blood in her hair and all over her. So much of it that I can't tell where it's actually coming from.

I jump when someone's arms wrap around me and I'm brought back to the present place with Jaime. He nuzzles my neck and I turn around to face him. "You left her there with them," I say accusingly even though we had already established this.


"Brienne, you left her there and now she's a fucking mess."

"What does this have to do with the wedding?"

"Absolutely nothing except we're getting her away from those bastards." I start towards the door but he grabs me.

"Where are you going? You can't just leave in the middle of the night we need to think about this make a plan," he kisses me gently. "I'm sorry I left her, OK? I shouldn't have but all's I was focused on was getting away and I couldn't think of anything that would help her."

"We're wardens of the north," I say.

"Yes?" he says uncertainly.

"We can use that against them. I need you're help writing something."

"Can't you do it?"

"I don't know how to write," I whisper.

"Well we will have to change that. Can it wait until morning?" I hug him.

"I don't think I'll be able to sleep."

"Come lay with me and try. You need it," he leads me to our bed and covers the both of us with blankets. He pulls me to him and holds me humming in my ear.

The Finding of Lya StarkWhere stories live. Discover now