I walked into my master bedroom to see Alisha getting dressed for work.

She is officially a top notch Real Estate agent.

She was applying for an internship today.

She had on a white pencil skirt that made her beautiful chocolate complexion glow. She slipped on a white undershirt before she walked into the big bathroom.

We took a shower together this morning.... You know how that goes 😉.

I sat on the end of the bed in my basketball shorts and watched her as she got ready.

I been feelin some type of way about her lately... I just want to touch her and kiss her all the time and infront of everybody.

Like the way we kissed yesterday... Smh.... I don't know what that was but it had me thinkin.

I think my ass just trippin to keep it lit 💯.

"Can you hand me that hairtye right there real quick?" She said disrupting my thoughts and briefly pointing to the hairtye that was next to me as she fixed her hair into a long ponytail as she waited for the hairtye.

I grabbed it and headed to the sink, where she was.

I handed it to her without her even looking at me.

I watched her as she tied her hair up in a high ponytail.

After that, she than began to shuffle around in her makeup bag.

I felt the urge to wrap my arms around her.

I took the 2 steps towards her and wrapped my arms around her as I buried my face in her neck.

She smelled so damn good... I didn't know how to act.

She laughed and placed her hands on my forearm that was placed around her neck/shoulder region.

"Whatchu want boy?" She said smiling.

I smiled in her neck.

I didn't respond.

I took my head out of her comfortable neck and kissed the side of her head, in her hair before going back into the bedroom.

See!? I don't know what's wrong with me 😩!!

I sat on the bed and looked at her for a second to see her smiling.

I chuckle to myself and shake my head as I laid back on the bed.

"You excited to officially go to work?" I said smiling as I switched the channels on the t.v.

"Yes!" She said excited as she adjusted her hair.

I chuckled at her response.

She was done getting ready, all she needed to do was slip on her heels and business shirt/jacket.

She walked out if the bathroom and towards me.

"I can't wait" she said smiling. "Plus imma be gettin this moneyyyyy" she sang making me chuckle.

"What's the best part?" I asked genuinely smiling as she sat on the bed, by my legs as I sat up against the headboard.

Her face lit up. "I like how it makes me feel" she said smiling big to herself as she looked at the wall.

"How does it make you feel?" I asked softly as I looked at her.

She looked down for a second as she thought about her answer before looking up at me.

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