Chapter 9

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"I'm not gay." Jeremy said laying on his back in my bed as he threw one of his baseballs into the air then caught it. He repeated that a few more times. I was sitting on my window seat with my back against the wall playing 'Fun Run' on my iPhone. Half listening to what he was say and groaning everytime I was killed by another player. "I mean why was I gawking at him like a love sick teenage girl!" He said letting out a heavy sigh and slapping a hand over his face.

"Damn!" I yelled as threw my phone on the cushion in front of me.

"Caleb!" Jeremy scolded.

"Huh?" I answered quickly looking towards him.

"Were you listening?" He asked with a pained look on his face.

I dropped my head. "No, sorry." I said in a fake innocent tone. I was actually ignoring him on purpose. Something had happen earlier today that explain everything Jeremy was being caution of.

I couldn't tell him what Matthew told me a hour after he sprinted out the house for his practice. I couldn't tell him why he was all of a sudden interest in a guy. I couldn't tell him because I didn't think he'd believe me. It was to crazy to even say out loud.

[~A Few Hours Earlier~]

"Don't beat around the bush Matthew. Quit hiding stuff from me it's starting to piss me off!" Caleb yelled at him. "What the fuck is going on? Why do you, everything, and everyone around you acted so strange?" Matthew was now sitting at the bar eating his omelet waiting for Caleb to calm down.

"Your foods getting cold." Matthew spoke softly not looking up from his plate.

"I'm not fucking hungry Matthew." He mumbled. "If your not gonna tell me anything then I don't want to be bothered with you right now or ever maybe." He said angrily as he started out the kitchen. Matthew eyes widen and he quickly got up and ran behind Caleb who was already on the stairs moving up towards his room. Caleb was about to slam the door shut to his bedroom, but Matthew pushed his way through. Caleb narrowed his eyes at him, while Matthew only gave him a calm look.

"Honestly. I don't know If your ready to hear this Caleb." He said softly walking up to him and putting both hands on both of Caleb's shoulders, then looked down at him with a pain filled expression. "Let me rephrase that, I don't think I'm ready to tell you." He said as his beautiful green eyes held a scared expression and Caleb's heart withered a little. Matthew didn't seem like a guy that would seem weak or scared in front of another person and it kinda made Caleb feel uneasy.


He had to know what was going on. Why he was so attracted to a male of a sudden? Not just that he was starting to think he even loved Matthew.. Two days wasn't enough to establish this, but the way he felt around Matthew, he's actually never felt like that for a girl.

"Matthew." Caleb said softly moving a hand up to Matthew's face and started caress his cheek. "No more hiding stuff, okay. I wanna know." He cooed softly. Matthew breath hitch after feeling Caleb's soft hands caress his face. "I need to know. I need to understand these feelings." He finished calmly as he wrapped his arms around Matthew's waist hugging him tight. Then he slowly laid his head against Matthew's big warm chest and listened to his steady heart beat. Matthew took in another sharp breath, then let it out slowly. He returned Caleb's embrace and kissed him on his forehead.

"Okay." Matthew finally agreed then started to explain that he wasn't fully human. He told Caleb about his pack. Then the mate thing and Caleb's new found feelings for him, a man.

Then last but not least what he was. Caleb had moved out of Matthew's arms an hour back and was now sitting on his bed in what seems like a shock state. Matthew had a worried look plastered on his face. "Caleb babe, are you okay?" He said moving towards him slowly with a out reached hand.

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