Chapter 22~ i'm his what?

Börja om från början

     **Harry's POV**

I waited for her to answer. Okay maybe that was a little much. Good job harry, way to lose her. "hello, i'm in love with you, i know i only met you 3 months ago, but my vampire love instincts tell me your my mate." that would look good on a hallmark card. Gosh, i wish i could turn back time sometimes when i make mistakes. well, i don't think this is a mistake. i'm finally telling her that i really do like her. i really hope she likes me back, and i hope it doesn't ruin our friendship. I couldn't bear to lose her. i looked up at her as she thought to herself. she turned to look at me, and her eyes found mine. a smile spread across her face. "i like you too." she put her hand on my cheek. " I love you." she whispered, and smiled, as my face grew one too. I put my hand around her wrist, and i closed my eyes. "i'm so glad. you have no idea Del. I know its a lot of information to process, but i'm just so happy your willing me back." she nodded her head, and she smiled widely. Her eyes were as blue as ever. She was even more beautiful with out make up. she honestly didn't need it. I looked into her eyes, and my eyes flickered down to her pink lips, and back up at her eyes. I leaned in, and she did the same. i closed my eyes, and i let our lips brush against each other, and they finally came in contact. They moved in sync and i couldn't help but feel the sparks that lightened inside me. we pulled away, and i kissed her forehead lightly. she smiled, and stroked my cheek with her small hand. she laughed softly, as we looked into each others eyes. I was happier than i ever have been in my life. i finally found my match, and the girl i would hopefully have forever, because she is my mate. 

"Hey, do you mind if i take you over to see Louis, and Danielle?They made me promise to bring you over." i asked. she smiled, and nodded. she stood up, and went over to her window, and closed it. "i'll get ready. you can wait downstairs yeah?" she said smiling. i nodded, and went over, and kissed her cheek. "yeah." i whispered, smiling. I pulled away leaving her with the blush on her cheeks.  I walked over to the door, and opened it. I stepped out, and closed her door softly. I smiled, and ran in vampire speed downstairs.

**Delilah's POV*** 

i couldn't help but squeal to myself as i heard the sound of him run in vampire speed down the stairs. I can't believe that happened. Okay calm down Delilah. I smiled to myself, and ran to the shower quickly washing my hair, and body. I jumped out, and put on a white flowy shirt with, light blue skinny jeans, a black leather jacket, and a pair of black boots. I quickly blow dried my hair, and straightened it. I put on a little concealer, and lip gloss, and i ran out of my bathroom, to my room. I went to grab my purse, but i jumped as i felt a cold air swish past me. I flipped around to see harry smirking at me. "god! stop doing that!"  i said laughing. he shook his head, and pouted. "no!" he said like a little kid. I smiled, and ruffled his hair. I walked down stairs quickly, with harry trailing behind me. "Dad?" i called looking around. "He left early this morning. he left a note on the fridge saying that he had to go help with some murder case that happened last night." i pursed my lips. "what happened?" i asked. harry shook his head. " i heard my uncle talking about it. it was a middle aged woman, who was attacked by someone late last night. I say someone, because...i think your mother is back in town." he sang, when he talked about my mom. I nodded my head, and took a deep breath. "Great." i mumbled. he smirked, and nodded. He took my hand, and led me outside to his car, and we got in. "i still can't believe she's a vampire, and i can't believe what she's become. she used to be so...caring, and loving. i just...i don't know. its  terrible." i mumbled. he nodded, and squeezed my hand tightly. "she'll get better Del. i promise." he said comforting me. i nodded, and took a shaky breath holding back tears. " after the first stage of being a newborn, she's going to become more mature. unless, we can get her away from Vivian's friend's gang. they're going to make her a very reckless vampire if they don't teach her well. she needs to learn to control her hunger on animals instead of people." i nodded, and looked out the window as he backed out of my driveway, and onto the black road

    I followed harry inside, and i was immediately engulfed in the warm air of his house. "oh my god.."i whispered. I took off my jacket, and harry put it in the coat closet, along with his. "i hate snow." i mumbled. He chuckled, and took my hand, and led me to his living room where Niall, and Madeline were on the couch snuggled up to each other watching something on the tv. Harry lead me upstairs, and into a bedroom i hadn't seen. "hey Lou." he called. I looked over his shoulder and saw Louis Spinning himself around in an office chair. "heeeeeyyy...Haaa aaarrryyyyyyy." he said as he spun around quickly. He pulled himself to a stop, and looked at me with his mouth hanging open. "Delilah!" he said smiling. I returned a smile, and waved my hand. "So...did harry tell you? oh i already know. i can read harry's mind so...i'm guessing so." he said chuckling. "Louis! where's my book?" I heard someone's voice call from the hall way. I turned around, and saw the curly headed girl, standing in the doorway. she looked at me and a smile spread across her face. "No way!" she squealed. Harry nodded, and she ran over to me, and tackled me in a hug. "OH MY GOD!" she squealed again. I hugged her back, smiling. she pulled away, and looked at me with a huge smile across her beautiful face. "you guys are so cute." she said smiling, but then she looked at Louis, and pursed her lips. "why is my spell book open on your bed?" she put her hand on her hip. Louis stood in front of her beside me and put is hands on his hips. "w-what book? i can't read  pshhh." he said moving in front of her making sure she didn't see the book. She rolled her eyes, and pushed past him. she ran over to his bed, and snatched her book. "why do you have it?" she said angrily. Louis shrugged. "i wanted to do magic!" he said smiling wide. she rolled her eyes, and put her hand on her forehead. "Louis, you can't do magic unless you're a witch." Louis frowned, and crossed his arms. "fine." he groaned. she shook her head, and skipped out of the room. "Louis...did you seriously think you could do magic?" harry asked chuckling. Louis rolled his eyes. "Maybe!" he said like a little kid, and ran off, and jumped on to his bed, face down. he fake cried into his pillow, and Harry chuckled, and took my hand, leading me back down stairs. "well, well, well...if it isn't the little snack." 


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