∴ part two

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two weeks after harry and louis' fight, harry convinced him into moving back into his house and getting back together. he said that he was drunk and thought the delivery man was louis and louis being head over heels for harry, he believed him.

they were grocery shopping happily, buying what was needed to fill up the refrigerator.

"babe?" harry turned back at louis who was pulling the cart. "i'll head to the bathroom real quick, yea?"

"yeah, yeah," louis smiled.

harry pecked him on the lips and went over the bathroom, a guy following him after.

louis shook his head. he promised.

after ten minutes, harry was still not back yet and he was ready to pay and leave.

he sighed. is he seriously pooping at a market bathroom?

he went over the bathroom after asking an employee where it was and went in the mens bathroom.

there were low grunts and moans and a sound of skin slapping.

louis scoffed. horny teenagers.

"harry?" he opened every door and (thankfully) they were all unoccupied except for the one stall that had moans coming from.

he shook his head.

he promised. no, no, no.

he shook his head violently.

he knocked on the stall that had moans coming from it, his heart beating out of his chest,"harry?"

there was no respond even though the lock has a red colour on it, meaning it was locked.

he bent down, on his hands and knees and looked down on the space.

he shut his eye tightly, calming himself down.

after he felt himself a bit calmer, he opened his eyes; seeing harrys brown boots (no doubt it was harrys) and some other guy wearing vans.

tears swelled up in his eyes,"again, harry?" his words chocked up in his throat,"you promised."

meanwhile louis was crying, harry was still making out with the guy that was in the stall with him, not caring about what louis was saying.

louis ran out of the bathroom, left his cart and ran to his car.

he banged his head on the wheel multiple times,"im so stupid."

he removed his tears with the back of his hand and started driving to liam's.

he was probably annoying liam with always him going over to him when he needed him, but liam was the only friend he has.

he wished he made more friends in high school but he was always the outcast, with only liam and harry being his friends. harry would always hangout with other people, but liam, oh liam, he was always beside him. and he really appreciates having someone like liam in his life.

before he knew it, he arrived at liam's huge but enough for one person house.

he wiped away his dried tears and looked at himself in the rear mirror. blinking multiple times, he jumped out of his kia car and locked the doors. hopefully he doesn't look like he was crying.

he knocked on the door twice.

liam opened three seconds later, in only a loose shirt with a very short shorts, which was tight making his bulge show.

liam blushed, seeing louis look at his shorts with a amused look on his face.

"louis," his manly voice squeaked,"come in."

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