Playing around...

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"...Yes I know it's alittle shocking for you two but you will get used to it. After a while..." Skyla said comfortably.

"Well then, shall I make breakfast or are we gonna starve?!" said Iris happily

Iris looked at George in a way that she couldn't really describe but it felt so real...her eyes gazed at him then once she made eye contact, she turned away whilst blushing and got on with their breakfast.

Skyla went over to the kitchen area and watched Iris make breakfast whilst Erix decided to sit with his brother and chat.

"I saw that look on your face" whispered Erix

"What look?" asked George pretending to be confused

"I hate to break it to you George but I knew you since the day you were born and I know what you know..."

"know what?!"

"Come with me..."

Erix led George into the bedroom.

"So I heard you like Iris?!"

"who told you that?!"

"Ah so it's true now?! And no one it's the only thing to say to catch someone out and I'm pretty good at it too"

"okay you caught me out and yeah well I do...kind Iris but it's hard to say it to her"

"you can see it in her eyes, she has bound to have a crush on you..."

"Breakfast is ready guys!" shouted Iris

The guys grab their plates and sit on the sofa snuggling up to the girls.

George saw how much was on Iris' plate, she had only put few things on there. He felt like he needed to help her get her strength back but he didn't know how to so he kept quiet. For now.

After they all finished they shoved a film on and snuggled up to watch.


George and Iris fell asleep into each others arms. Skyla and Erix went into the bedroom carrying two bottles, one each...they opened the bottles and gulped them down little by little, bit by bit.
They felt so awake after finishing the bottles, but at the same time they were getting alittle physical...their lips touched and that was it they were gone under the duvet...

Iris got woken up by the noises coming from the bedroom but felt best to leave them be...she woke George up.

"Don't leave me Iris!" said George half asleep

Iris felt warm and fuzzy inside and her heart started to beat alittle faster than usual. She was relieved that he liked her too.

"George wake up!"

He woke up...

"I love you Iris..." as he opened his eyes just realising what he had said, looking over at Iris she was shocked but in love at the same time...

"I love you too George" said Iris smiling and blushing

The room fell silent and no noise was coming out of the bedroom.

George pulled Iris in and kissed her, cupping her delicate face into his soft hand. Iris balanced her arms on George's slopped shoulders indulging into each other...

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