The Dead Pool Ch.6

Start from the beginning

"I'm sorry ok I didn't mean to say that out loud. Faith are you ok I think you need to sit down." I felt a hand on my shoulder try and push my body back towards a couch. One big growl elimanted from someone in Scott's pack. I felt a wave of dizziness wash over me like a waterfall. My legs gave out from underneath me. Allowing me to collapse into a pair of strong arms.


My eye sight started to fog up to the point I couldn't relay on my sight. I had to relay on the sounds of everyone's panicked voices. My ears could detect the sound of two pair of paws rushing towards my house. This only happens when someone in my pack is close to.......Death. My eyes snapped open hearing the sound of two howls of sadness and distress. I wasn't even in control of my body anymore it was moving on its own. I bolted out of Liam's arms dodging everyone arms. I ripped my front door off its hinge.

Smelling the air I caught my two hybrid huskies scent. I felt someone's hand try to reach out to grab me but I was to quick. I launched myself off my front porch shifting in mid air taking everyone by surprise. Shaking my flawless white fur. I was one of a kind a rare sight to see a white wolf shifter a legend. Howling loudly I charged through the under brush. Snapping branches that blocked my path. Dodging briars and rocks I jumped over a large fallen tree. I skidded to a hilt once I caught sight of my two hybrid huskies two times the size they are suppose to be; Luna and King. Whining they walked up to me nuzzling me.

I made Luna and King stay and Watch over Kevin and Katy and their nine year old twin boys. To protect them and keep them safe when ever I was not there. Whining I dropped to the forest floor and let out the most sorrow filled howl. It echoed throughout the woods shaking the trees and leaves. Whimpering I stood up on my weak legs. Hearing the sound of two pairs of feet coming from the way that Kevin and Katy's family living. Two heads popped out from the bushes both tear filled eyes red faces from crying so hard. There stood Nathan and Warren Katy's and Kevin's two twin boys. Finally having control over my body I shifted back to my human form. A bright light engulfing my body a second later I was fully clothed

They ran towards me and hugged the living life out of me. Crying into my chest I pulled the two boys even closer to me if that is even possible. I let my own wall of emotions that I have held back for far to long Break. Tears of my own seeped from my eyes. I looked up towards the sky to see it was pitch black out I hadn't even payed attention to the time I was to caught up in trying to find Luna and King.

"Aunty Faith they killed them they made us go with Luna and King while they distracted them." Nathan whimpered into my chest. His twin brother crying harshly into my chest soaking my shirt for the second time today. But I didn't care all I cared about was the safety of Nathan And Warren at the moment.

The sound of something being released from a boy and arrow had me pulling the boys behind me as I was shot in the shoulder. A yelp sounded from the two boys.

" Luna And King Take them Back to my house NOW!" I yelled. Groaning as I ripped the arrow from my shoulder. Turning my gaze to the two boys that meant everything to my pack.

" Nathan and Warren I want you to be strong ok can you do that for me. You are going to Get on Luna And Kings Back ok. They are going to take you to the old packs house which is now my house. Ok I want you to ask for a Scott and tell him where I am ok or ask for a Seth ok. Just go and be safe ok." Kissing them both on the head I lifted Nathan onto Luna. An arrow was released that was coming straight towards Warren but I quickly took the arrow from him. Making it hit my stomach. Ignoring the pain I lifted him up onto King before. Growling I allowed them to disappear into the brush heading towards my house. Once they where out of sight I let out the most powerful roar sending everyone anyone within a ten yard radiance to the ground. Letting the animal inside me out I sat back in my mind watching the whole thing go down. I knocked out everts ingle hunter that was in my way. After about twenty minutes every single hunter was unconscious. When everyone was down I started walking away not even realizing a hunter had woken up and reloaded his gun. I didn't realize until a bullet hit me right in the chest. Really close to my heart. The gun rang throughout the woods scaring all the wildlife off. Turning around I winced in pain as I could feel the bullet being shifted when I turned around and started to stalk towards the petrified hunter. Picking him up by his neck I pinched the side of his neck feeling him go limp in my arms. Throwing him away I started the long trek back towards my house.
I arrived back at my house at midnight. Walking up the steps I heard the old wood door swing open. And the sound of two pairs of feet hit the porch. Two small bodies collided with me. I winced when the bullet shifted even more in my chest.

"Are you two ok your not hurt or anything right." I whispered. Holding back so many cries of pain.

"We're perfectly fine are you ok Faith you look like your about to pass out." Warren asked concerned. Gulping I turned away before looking back at them smiling softly I lied not wanting them to worry.

" I'm perfectly fine why don't we go get you two ready for bed how about that." I whispered back kneeling down I looked directly at them. Nodding both of there heads they took off back into the house. I slowly followed behind taking notice of both packs still in the living room. Nodding towards them I quietly whispered I would talk to the later after I get them to bed.

"Nicky why don't we go get you ready for bed because I am going to have to wake you up in the morning. To help you hunt for animals." I stated watching her walk up the stairs along with the two boys. I was about to follow them before I was pulled back into Liam's grasp.

"Your bleeding I need to clean you up." Liam stated. Pulling myself out of his grasp I walked up stairs ignoring all the eyes on the back of my head.

Once I reached the last two bedrooms closest to my room I opened them to find all of them passed out asleep on the beds. Smiling softly I walked back down the two stairs seeing all of the pack sitting their and staring at me. Sighing I walk towards the small bathroom next to my kitchen. Grabbing the first aid kit I walked back into the kitchen. Grabbing the tweezers I slowly pulled out the bullet growling as I did. Bandaging myself up I walked back into the living room.

"We will talk about this tomorrow I don't have the strength or the energy to talk anyone right now. You can stay here if you do two to a room no funny business." Walking up the stairs I opened my bedroom door seeing a little scared Warren. Quickly walking up to him I pulled him into my embrace.

"Can I sleep in your room with you tonight Aunty Faith please." He whimpered.

"Of course come on." I whispered pulling him towards my bed. I pulled the comforters back allowing him to climb in.
A knock on my door sounded through out my room. Smiling I walked over slowly pulling it open.To my surprise it was Liam. Scratching the back of his neck nervously he asked.

"Umm all the bedroom are taken I was wondering if I could sleep with you- I mean not sleep with you I meant just sleeping-you want to know what I am just going to shut up now." He stated. Chuckling I pulled him into the bedroom. Looking back at my bed I smiled softly seeing Warren peaking up from under the covers. Before pulling them back over his head and moving over so there was enough room for the both of us. Smiling at him I pulled Liam into the bed with us. I sat in between the two boys. Sleeping on the side that faced Liam I snuggled into his chest. Freezing up he stood as still as a statue. Until he relaxed pulling me even closer of that is even possible. I winced a little when he hugged me to hard. Releasing me he backed away checking me to see if I was alright. I quickly said yes pulling him towards me I snuggled yet again into his chest. Slowly falling asleep to the sound of his heart beating.

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