Chapter 25: Kiss of Eternal Life and Love

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Lord Okaia took a deep breath and let his power die down. He slowly walked over to the piece of coal that was once Clam and looked down at it. His back was turned so Chihiro could not see the look on his face, but she assumed that he was very upset.

"Lord Okaia?" she asked quietly.

The sorcerer sighed and turned to her with a sad smile on his face. "Hello again, Chihiro. I'm glad you were able to find the spirit of life." He noticed her looking at the piece of coal and he sighed again. "I assume you're wondering why I didn't tell you about him." Chihiro nodded. "When I looked into your future, I saw your confrontation with Clam. And though it resulted in his death, it worked out for the best, wouldn't you agree?"

Chihiro reluctantly did, even though it was sad that Clam did have to die. "I guess so." She muttered sadly.

Lord Okaia nodded. "However, had I told you about him, things would have turned out differently. How would you have reacted when you saw that the one who wanted you dead was here to greet you? How would Clam react once he saw that he no longer had the element of surprise?"

Chihiro shook her head. "I don't know."

"That is my point. Things may not have worked out for the best, which is why I kept quiet, so things could play out like this."

"But," Chihiro looked at the lump of coal, "he's… he's…"

"Never going to harm anyone ever again." said Lord Okaia, placing the lump of coal in his pocket. "I gave him a second chance, but he just wouldn't stop. I knew he wouldn't, and you almost died because of it."

Chihiro gulped. "He was the one who…"

"Took my true love away." Lord Okaia finished. "Yes, he was. And after I stripped him of his power and dismissed him, he came here. Then he goes and tries to force the same fate upon you and Kohaku that he forced upon me. I couldn't allow that."

"But I thought you didn't kill anyone."

Lord Okaia frowned. "I don't, but someone was going to die. It was going to be either you or Clam. Now the question was who the killer would be. It was either going to be Clam, in which case the victim would be you, Kohaku, who would have killed Clam to protect you, and the third possible killer," he took out a card and showed it to her; it was a mirror, "was me. I would not allow Clam to kill you; that was out of the question. And Kohaku has yet to take a life. Though him taking Clam's life would not be considered an act of evil, I did not want him to have to experience taking a life. Some spirits aren't bothered by taking others' lives, and then there are those who won't be able to sleep at night for a long time with the knowledge that they took a life. I didn't want to risk Kohaku experiencing that. So I took the burden upon myself, even though I hate violence."

Chihiro was touched. Lord Okaia was so selfless. "Lord Okaia…"

Lord Okaia held up his hand to silence her. "You don't have to say anything. I am happy to take the pain of others so they may be happy. And now is the time for you to be happy."

Chihiro didn't know what to say except, "Thank you, Lord Okaia. You're a good friend."

The sorcerer smiled. "Go to your love. You have about 20 minutes left. Go and live the life that was taken from me."

Chihiro bowed. "Yes sir, and thanks again."

She turned around and ran towards the bathhouse. Lord Okaia watched her go. He was happy for her and Kohaku; they could have a life together with the one they loved, something that he knew he could never have. But he was happy. Happier than he had been in a long time.

"Take care, my friend." He said before vanishing in a flash of light.


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