Chapter 8: The Prophet and the River

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Chihiro was blissfully unaware of the meeting that had taken place between her friends, and they gave no indication that any meeting of any sorts took place at all. The days went by as if nothing was wrong at all. Chihiro was, without doubt, the happiest she had ever been in her entire life. She was back in her real home with her real family, and her one and only true love.

Although she had admitted her feelings to Lin, she had yet to tell Haku. When she first confessed how she felt, she had been very emotional at the time and didn't care to keep it a secret, but now that she was thinking clearly, she wasn't about to admit her love to anyone else, least of all Haku.

Lin was glad that Chihiro had finally expressed her feelings, now she just had to get her to tell Haku himself. That was easier said than done though. True she could tell Haku herself what Chihiro had said, but that wouldn't be right. Chihiro was going to have to admit it herself. She would help and encourage her along the way, but Chihiro would have to personally do it.

Even though Chihiro was happy with the way things were going, she still couldn't help but feel like something was wrong. For the most part, Haku, Lin, and Kamajii were themselves, but Chihiro couldn't help but feel like something was wrong. It was noticeable in Bôh. The giant baby always seemed a little upset about something. When Chihiro asked what was wrong, he would always deny that anything was wrong. Even Yu-bird seemed to be acting a little strange, although it was harder to tell with her.

Chihiro didn't think much of it, but she couldn't help but wonder if it had something to do with her. They all seemed to go in this mood after the day Haku had told her she had to return to the human world. Could that be the problem? She had thought that they had worked that out. But thinking back, she realized that she and Haku never had worked that out. True, they made up after their fight, but nothing more had been said about her returning to the human world. She had decided not to dwell on it.

But one day, the bathhouse had a visit from a spirit that had changed everything.

"Welcome, have a nice bath." The foreman greeted the spirit.

The spirit merely waved the greeting off. "I have not come for a bath. I am here on behalf of my master, the great Lord Okaia."

"Lord Okaia!" the foreman cried. "My goodness! What would Lord Okaia want with us?"

"You, nothing." The spirit replied. "I have come here to see the human, Chihiro Ogino."

"Yes, yes. One moment please."

The foreman immediately contacted Yubaba, who was just as shocked and thrilled that a messenger of the great Lord Okaia was in her bathhouse. She immediately sent for Chihiro to attend to their valued guest.

"Listen up, Chihiro, Lord Okaia is the most powerful sorcerer in the entire spirit world." Yubaba explained as she led the human girl to the messenger's private room. "If he has business here, it could be very important. You attend to his messenger's ever wish, or I'll send you to the pigpen for a week. Do I make myself clear?"

Chihiro gulped. "Y-Yes ma'am. But I doubt Bôh would be very happy with you for turning me into a pig."

Yubaba growled. Chihiro always had that as an advantage. Why did Bôh have to be so fond of the human? "Just get in there." She ordered, shoving her into the room.

The door closed behind her and Chihiro was left alone with the messenger. He looked like a shadow spirit; only he was bright red instead of black, and was rather short.

The messenger observed Chihiro with glowing yellow eyes. "Ah, so you are the human my master spoke of. So good to see you."

Chihiro was somewhat startle by the spirit's greeting. He was speaking to her as if she were the guest.

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