Chapter 14: The Storm Spirit's Storm

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"Ah! Ah! Ah!" No-Face proceeded to probe Chihiro, trying to wake her up from her slumber.

"Stop… too early…" Chihiro moaned sleepily.

"Ah! Ah!"

"No-Face, stop it. What?"

The paper 'bird' enchanted by Zeniba sprang to life. "Chihiro, get up! Look at the golden seal!"

Groaning, Chihiro rubbed the sleep from her eyes and looked at the golden seal. It was still floating in the air, but now it was facing the doors of the train, rocking back and forth.

"We need to get off here." said Zeniba.

Chihiro went over to the window and took a look around. "But there's no train station." She observed. Zeniba let the silence do the talking. Chihiro sighed and hung her head. "We're going to have to jump, aren't we?" Zeniba continued to let the silence answer for her. "Great."

"No-Face, you take Chihiro." Zeniba ordered. "I don't want her jumping on her own."

"Ah." No-Face nodded and opened the door, much to the anger of one of the train's workers.

"What do you think you're doing?" the spirit cried.

"This is our stop." Zeniba replied, flying out the open door.

Chihiro walked over and looked down at the ground speeding by. "Oh, you have got to be kidding me!"

The paper 'bird' hovered over to her. "It's not so bad."

Chihiro glared at her. "You can fly! Of course it's not so bad for you!"

"Ah." No-Face wrapped his arms around her and picked her up. "Ah, ah."

Chihiro sighed. "If you're asking if I'm ready, then no, I'm not. But let's go anyway."

Chihiro cried out as No-Face jumped. But she needn't worry as No-Face landed perfectly on his feet. The look on Chihiro's face was priceless. Zeniba chuckled at the human's reaction.

"See, not so bad." She said.

Chihiro slowly turned to her. "That was scary."

Zeniba made a sarcastic snorting noise. "Oh please, how many times have you ridden on Haku?"

Chihiro stubbornly turned away. "That's different. I trust Haku."

"Ah, ah?" No-Face muttered, sounding a little upset.

"Huh? Oh no, No-Face. I trust you too. It's just that…" Chihiro began looking around. "Hey, wait, where's Yu-bird?"

Zeniba looked back at the retreating train. "Oops. Be right back." She said, before flying after the train.

Chihiro and No-Face waited for the old witch to return. She came back a few minutes later with a very angry looking Yu-bird, who apparently wasn't happy about them leaving her sleeping on the train. She landed on Chihiro's shoulder and turned away.

Chihiro gave her friend a nervous smile. "Uh, sorry, Yu-bird. We didn't mean to leave you."

Yu-bird made a stubborn snorting noise and turned around, giving the others her backside. No-Face lightly patted Yu-bird on the head apologetically. Yu-bird screeched angrily in response.

"Ok, that's enough." Snapped Zeniba impatiently. "The seal is telling us to go this way. Hmm, looks like we're going to have to go through that forest."

Chihiro looked out into the horizon. Several miles away was a forest that stretched for many miles in every direction. Great, who knew what kinds of strange wild animals were in there.

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