Chapter 16: Lord Okaia

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"We're here?" Chihiro asked. This was clearly a surprise. "Are you sure?"

Zeniba nodded. "Yes, the seal indicates that this is where Lord Okaia resides."

Chihiro looked around. Not only was this the last place she had expected to find the most powerful sorcerer in the entire spirit world, but according to what she was told in her reading, there were still things she had to do.

"But, I don't get it." She muttered, more to herself than anyone else. "According to my reading, it shouldn't have been this easy."

Zeniba raised an eyebrow. "Would you like things to be more difficult?"

"No!" Chihiro cried loudly. "I'm just surprised. Maybe my reading was wrong."

Zeniba rubbed her chin. "Or maybe, there is still more to come."

Chihiro groaned. She hadn't thought of that. She had figured that once she reached Lord Okaia that her 'journey' would be over. Speaking of which, where was that sorcerer anyway?

"Um, Granny, if this is where we're supposed to be, where is everyone?"

"Uh…" Zeniba looked around, realizing Chihiro had a point. "The entrance to Lord Okaia's home is probably hidden. Give me a moment." She closed her eyes and concentrated. It took a little while, but she did detect a magical barrier. "There!" She pointed to a large rock wall. "It's concealed. Reveal your secret path!"

Zeniba's eyes flashed with light and suddenly the rock wall became transparent, revealing a hidden cave. Chihiro stared at the hidden entrance. No wonder no one knew where Lord Okaia lived.

"He's in there?"

Zeniba nodded. "Apparently."


Chihiro was beginning to feel very anxious about this meeting. Sure she had met him before, sort of, but that was just in a dream. Now she was going to actually come face to face with him and beg to become a spirit for a love that she wasn't even sure was returned.

"Granny, I'm nervous."

No-Face rested a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "Ah, ah, ah."

"No-Face is right." Zeniba agreed. "You'll do fine. Just trust yourself. And don't be afraid of him. From what I've heard, he can be a bit harsh, but he has a good heart."

Chihiro swallowed. "If you say so."

No-Face gave her a slight shove forward. Chihiro looked at the entrance. It was rather big. She hoped that Lord Okaia wasn't some kind of scary monster or something. Taking a deep breath, she stepped through the barrier.


Haku had finally picked up her scent. At first he was overjoyed, but then his joy turned to horror as he realized that it headed for the toxic forest. Those poisonous spores would kill a human in minutes.

His fear faded a little when her scent stopped a short distance away from what would have been considered a safe distance from the spores. But another fear overcame him again that he realized that he now no longer had a trail to follow. But where could she have gone? He had an idea of who might know. If there was anyone who would know, it would be them.

"Spirit of the forest, I, Nigihayami Kohaku Nushi, spirit of the Kohaku River, am in need of your assistance!" he cried out.

A few seconds passed before the spirit walked gracefully out of the forest. Haku bowed to her and she bowed back in response.

"How may I be of assistance?" she asked.

"Oh great spirit, I am in search of a human girl by the name of Chihiro." Haku replied. "I have followed her scent to the entrance of your forest. I ask if you know what happened to the girl."

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