Ch.13 -Leaving | Confront

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"Some...thing something like what Chris?"

"She was masturbating moaning my name in
O-our bed." I looked at her and saw disgust.

"How long have you been keeping this from me?"

"2 weeks....but baby I-" She cut me off cutting her green eyes at me.

"2 FUCKING WEEKS CHRISTOPHER REALLY?!!?" She yelled at me. "You kept this from me for what? When somebody is in our bed masturbating breaking into our house destroying shit and on top that threatening me. You keep that shit a secret?"

I came towards her. "Baby let me explain." "Don't touch me Chris. Matter move out of mi way." She spoke angrily her accent coming out strong. "Can't believe this yellow cunt rasshole." She mumbled under breath. I saw her take down her Louis Vuitton suitcase.

"Rih where you going it's not even that serious." I said coming near her as she stuff some clothes and shoes into her bag.

"Yes the hell it is serious I'm being threaten by some bitch and you wanna keep shit a secret for what? What are you hiding that you kept this from me that long. Something not right either you sleeping with this hoe or you're not being honest with me about everything. Your hiding something I can feel it in my gut and so until you can be completely honest with me I'm not staying here with you." She said as she stuff more clothes in her bag.

I didn't know what  would do if I lost I didn't want to but she's really upset with me. Something had to give I needed to know who this stalker was before it ruined my relationship with Robyn for good.

Robyn zipped her bag up and grabbed her purse and iPhone she dialed a number to get a Uber. "Baby you can't leave me here by myself." I said as she ended the call. She looked at me and picked up her bag and walked downstairs putting back on her boots. "Robyn stop where are you going?"

"Why do you care Chris huh?! You didn't care to tell me I had a stalker out there!"

"Baby I seriously thought I could handle it. I know this looks fucked up; but I'm not hiding anything from you I didn't fuck another chick. I don't know who this is baby I'm so sorry I didn't tell you that was a mistake. I'm getting to the bottom of this I promise please don't leave baby I need you." I pleaded.

Robyn sighed and shook her head as tears came down her face. "Until you find who this is I'm not staying here with you so that I could be put in danger." She opened the door as the Über pulled up and she grabbed her bag. She walked out as I called her name she didn't stop I called her again and again. She got inside the car and 2 mins later it drove off.

I was a in state of disbelief like did this happen tonight or was I tripping cause that escalated quickly. I slammed the door in anger "Fuck!!" I slide down the front door with my hands on my head as I slide cross my face blinking. "That did not just fucking happened?" I spoke out loud to myself. I took out my phone from my pocket to call Robyn but she wasn't answering I called her two more times but she put me straight through voicemail.

Frustrated I got up and went inside the kitchen and grabbed some alcohol Hennessy, Ciroc, some juice out the fridge and brought to the living room where I started to drink heavy and I smoke a blunt. I was drunk and so I called Robyn and as usual she sent me voicemail where I left a drunk message. Soon I passed out on the couch. Seem like my world is crashing down already with her not here.

The Billionaire's Assistant  (Soon to be edited)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum