One more makes four

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It wasn't until April of 2004 when courteney got pregnant again. Actually, she did get pregnant once in 2002, but that was a miscarriage. Erica was now 4 and a half years old. The baby was due January 22nd, 2005.

They had wished for their kids to be closer in age, but this worked out best because they were on the tenth season of the show, which would be the last. They had 6 more episodes to film.

Courteney told the other 4, plus david and marta, and they were all trilled. Now a days, Erica was in kindergarten. Courteney and matthew dropped her off every morning on their way to the set, and the nanny picked her up afterward and watched her till they got home. Courteney couldn't wait until she got to be the one to pick her daughter up.


The baby was born January 20th, 2005. It was a boy, they named him Connor. He looked like a perfect mix of both of them. They each claimed he looked like the other. Jen, david and matt thought he looked more like matthew, but lisa thought courteney. He had blue eyes like both, and dirty blonde hair. He was a handsome little guy.

They now had their two wonderful children. They were 5 years and 3 months apart. They both wished they could be closer. But Erica was big enough that she could hold Connor, with the help of her parents, and she had a lot of fun getting his binky for him and playing with him. They were a lovely family. And now, courteney and matthew had everyday to spend with their kids. Although sometimes they would send them to grandmas house, or to aunties jens or auntie Lisa's. Lisa had a little boy too, so they had lots of fun when they were together. Matt had a young daughter, her and Erica were about the same age, and just about best friends. David's daughter was younger, more like Connors age. When someone had a birthday, they would all get together to have dinner at someone's house, and all the kids loved each other, they had so much fun together. It was like they were all cousins, because it felt like they really were.

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