Wedding and honeymoon

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They got married that winter. December 28th; when they had a two week break from filming for the holidays. It was a relatively small wedding, about 75 people. Its hard when you're famous and you know so many people, you cant decide who you know well and who you dont, so they just did family, close friends, and of course the cast and crew of Friends. Erica sat in the second row with jen, lisa, matt, and david. Erica spent the night at Matthews moms house, because she thought the two would want the night to themselves.

They didnt have time to do a honeymoon at the moment, they were to start filming January 2nd. They planned their trip for the summer.

June 13th; they left for their honeymoon. They went to Greece. They stayed for 5 nights, it was great. Erica stayed home. She spent 2 nights at Grandma coxs, 2 nights at grandma Perry's, and one night at jens house, who was her godmother.

When they came back, courteney was pregnant.

"No, no. Honey no! I'm pregnant again! This is the worst timing! We start filming again in august."

"Hey, babe its ok. Maybe they can work it into the show." He kissed her cheek.

She was crying now. She wanted another baby so bad. She just wasn't ready again yet. The timing couldn't be worse. He hugged her tight.

Once in love, always in loveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora