The "Date"

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Chapter 2

The Day has finally come. It is almost time to go to the Amusement Park with Charlotte. Laura was now getting ready. She was looking for the right outfit to put on, tossing the rejects away or putting them back into the closet.

"Hmm....this one? No no....too bright.....this one? This one doesn't feel right...." Laura mumbled to herself as she looked for something good to wear. 

She sighed then looked at the clock.

"It's almost time......" Laura said as she looked at the clock.

It was 4:40 pm. After about 5 more minutes..Laura finally picked something to wear. She chose a dark blue dress with a small bow around the waist and black shoes.

"Hmm...maybe I should wear something more casual? Hmm...this is quite difficult..." Laura muttered.

In the end...she changed into black jeans and a dark blue button down shirt with black and white hightops. As she glanced at the clock again, she realized that it was already 4:50. As soon as she grabbed everything that she needed, she heard a knock on the door.

'Hmm? Is it who I think it is...?' Laura thought. She blinked before walking over to the door and opening it. Standing in front of the door was Charlotte. Charlotte was wearing blue shorts and a light blue shirt with purple hightops. She smiled when she saw Laura.

"Hello. Ready to go?~" Charlotte asked. Laura nodded.

"Yes..I'm ready. Shall we go?" Laura said. Charlotte nodded as Laura walked out of her room and closed the door. "Yep. Let's go!" Charlotte said happily as she took Laura's hand and practically ran down the hall, dragging Laura with her.

"W-wait! Slow down!" Laura yelled as she was being dragged.

But of course...Charlotte didn't listen. She just kept dragging Laura, humming happily while doing so. //*A little while later...*//

Charlotte and Laura are now inside of the Amusement Park. They already purchased their tickets and are currently looking for a fun ride to go on.

"Hmm how about.....that?" Charlotte asked pointing at a huge roller coaster.

The sight of it made a shiver go down Laura's spine. But Laura didn't want to ruin Charlotte's high she agreed to go on the roller coaster. They waited in line for only a few minutes before it was thier turn. Laura swallowed as she pit the safety bar over herself and was secured into her seat. Charlotte was sitting next to her. She had a bright smile on her face..and looking at it strangely made Laura feel.....happy? Before Laura could go deeper into her thoughts, the roller coaster started moving. It was slowly going up the tracks like a car driving up a tall hill. As Laura nervously looked down, she realized how high they really were. She took a deep breath as she realized that the roller coaster reached the top of the tracks. Then..the roller coaster dropped down, going pretty fast. The sound of people screaming could be heard besides the rushing sound of wind in Laura's ears. She tried her best not to scream but...she wasn't very sure if she succeeded or not. By the time she realized it...the ride was over and she was clinging onto Charlotte's arm tightly. Charlotte had a small blush on her face..and as Laura realized the situation, she started blushing too. Except Laura blushed much more than Charlotte.

"A-ah! S-sorry!" Laura said as she quickly let go of Charlotte's arm.

"H-heh's alright..." Charlotte said. She was still blushing a little.

"Ahem." Charlotte and Laura both looked up at a middle aged man that seemed to be the one in charge of the roller coaster.

"Are you ladies planning to get out anytime soon?" The man asked a little rudely. Charlotte quickly apologized as she climbed out of the roller coaster.

"Ah u-um..sorry sir!" Charlotte apologized, bowing politely before helping Laura out of her seat and quickly walking away.

They were the only ones still sitting in the roller coaster but they didn't realize it. Charlotte looked around a little before looking at Laura.

"Heh that that's over...where do you wanna go next?" Charlotte asked.

"Um...I'm not sure..." Laura answered. " about....there?" Laura asked as she pointed to a Haunted house named "The Dark Maze".

Charlotte blinked before laughing nervously and nodding. She wanted Laura to be happy..whether or not she was a little scared of the haunted house. As they walked towards it, Charlotte had a feeling that it wasn't going to end well....

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