Chapter 1 - Sleepover

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Perrie P.O.V -

"Pezz..." I hear a sweet mumble and a tap on my shoulder. "Pezz...". I half opened my heavy eyes and I looked up. My head is resting on Jades shoulder, I must've fallen asleep on the ride home.
"Common sleepy head, we're back" I hear her chime. I let out a muffled groan. The whole experience in America was amazing, but it was so tiring, we barely got a day off while we were there and ran on hardly any sleep.
I yawned and lifted my head from Jades shoulder and ran my hands through my hair. I quickly stretched then noticed Jade smiling at me.
" You never change do you Pezz?" She laughed, backed up by Jesy and Leigh-Anne's quiet giggles. "Shut up, you" I smirked, pushing her arm playfully and grabbed my bag which was sat on the seat next to me and slung it over my shoulder. I grabbed my sunglasses laying on the seat and slid them onto my face as I opened the bus door.

As I approached the front door to my house I heard the loud barking of the dogs and I felt a smile spread across my face. I hadn't realised how much I missed them. As I opened the door and walked in I looked behind my shoulder and saw the other girls walking being me, dragging various bags and suitcases behind them.
"You guys wanna stay tonight? You might aswell" I smiled dropping my bag on the staircase and walking into the kitchen. The girls joined me in the kitchen and sat at the table.
"I'll call me mam and tell her I'm staying" Jade smiled. Jesy and Leigh-Anne nodded and pulled out their phones to texted their loved ones.

After a few moments Jesy spoke up "I'll go put our bags upstairs, you guys order pizza or something" and with that she was out of the door. I lifted myself up to sit on the counter top in the centre of the room. I grabbed my iPhone out of my pocket and gently tossed it to Jade.
" The number to the pizza place in on that leaflet " I said pointing to a small folded piece of paper on the table.
"Il have whatever" I smiled and she nodded back at me.

Jesy P.O.V

I grabbed all four bags on the stair case and slid two of them into my shoulder and the others I carried. I left the other suitcases by the door, we wouldn't be needing much for the sleepover. I made my way up to Perries room and dropped the bags on the bed. As I turned to leave the room I noticed a picture frame on her bedside table. The image inside was a cute picture of her a Zayn. I let out a sigh. Perrie had really struggled with the break up. She had really loved Zayn. I grabbed the frame flipped it over, taking out the picture and putting it into my pocket. It was best if she wasn't reminded of him right now, she was beginning to act like herself again.
I scanned the room for any other photos that would trigger anything but was met with nothing. I tucked my hair behind my ear and made my way out of her room and back downstairs.

Perries P.O.V

I jumped down from the counter and walked over to the glass door which led to the back garden and slowly opened it. Almost immediately I was met with small, happy barks. I sat on the floor for a small while greeting and petting my dogs. After they decided that they had enough I locked the back door back up and dusted dog fur from my jeans. As I turned around I saw Jesy walk back into the kitchen. She quickly hopped up onto the kitchen counter.
"We're not having a repeat of what happened at my birthday" she laughed " I'm not gonna let your dog hump me again"
The room was filled with laughter and I nodded to her.
" Il put them to bed, it's getting late anyways" I said taking the dogs into the conservatory where their beds were.


Once I had returned from putting the dogs to bed I saw Jesy hand Leigh-Anne what looked like a photo. I decided not to pay attention to it.
" Pizza is ordered" Jade beamed " we should get changed and pick out a movie to watch with the food"
"If I have to watch another Disney film I swear to god..." Jesy laughed
Jade and Leigh-Anne giggled. In America we were on the road constantly, meaning Jade could binge watch all the Disney she wanted and more often than not the rest of us would end up watching it with her, she's too cute to turn down.
"How about we watch a horror film? We can choose something from Netflix?" Leigh suggested. Jade looked slightly disappointed with the chosen genre but shrugged happily at the suggestion.
" Sounds good, il go grab some duvets and pillows and put 'em in the lounge, I'll be up to change in a bit" I smile.


Once I had layed out the duvets and pillows and finished changing into comfy clothes, the other girls joined me in the lounge.
"So we can watch any of these..." I say scrolling through the horror film category on Netflix.
"Gimme that..." Mumbles Jade, sitting up next to me and taking the remote from my hand, choosing a film from the list.
"So we have two pepperoni and one margarita" said Leigh as she placed three pizza boxes on the table in front of us "Il go get some glasses for drinks"
I smile at the smell of pizza and pull a box onto my lap, lifting the lid.
"Ugh I'm starving" I grumble, taking a large bite of pepperoni. I hear Jade giggle.
"Jeez Pezz slow down, leave some for the rest of us" she says whilst taking a slice for herself.
I smile and huff at her as I rest my feet on the table in front of us, getting comfy for the film.
Halfway through the film, three empty pizza boxes lay stacked on top of another, along with an empty tub of Ben and Jerrys ice cream.
Jade pretty much couldn't get any closer to me, she was basically sitting on my lap with her hands over her eyes. Jesy and Leigh were both sat, cross legged staring intently at the screen, waiting for the next jump scare or gory scene.
As the background music started up, I knew a jump scare was approaching. After all I had seen this movie at least 10 times before. It was probably one of the least creepy horror movies I had ever seen but Jade insisted on watching it, probably because she knew it wasn't that bad.
As the tension started to build, I could feel Jade sinking close and closer against me, trying to cover her face but not dare taking her eyes off the screen. The screen turned dark and the room was silent for a couple of seconds. I could feel Jades heart racing. Suddenly a figure popped up on the screen, covered in blood. I quickly grabbed Jade around the waist and shook her whilst I letting out a creepy laugh.
She screamed, jumping up and falling to the floor with a thud. Jesy and Leigh burst out in laughter.
"It's not funny!" Jade insisted, crawling back onto the sofa next to me.
"Sorry Baba but you're so easy to scare" I laughed.
"I'll get you back one of these days Pezz..." She grumbled tucking her legs into her chest and wrapping her arms around herself.

Lemme know if you want chapters to be longer (: I've never written a fanfic before so sorry if it's bad XD

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