Chapter 2 Runway

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Kate's pov

I got everything I need and put in my backpack.

I gripped the cane with both hands, I heard voices from downstairs.

I froze and sneaked into the hallway to hear what they were saying.

"Are you sure the kid is here?" 1 voice said.

"Ya, come on she's a little girl, she probably doesn't even know we're after here, she's going to be a lot easier then her parents." Other said.

So they did have my parents, and now I know there after me, great.

"Hey have we checked upstairs? She might be hiding under her bed" they laughed.

My heart started pounding in my chest, they were coming up, and fast I could hear there feet coming.

I threw my bag over my shoulder and grabbed dads note.

I went to my room and I already heard them up here in dads room.

I jumped out my window and I landed swiftly in the fire escape. And sneaked over to my dads window and put my head close to it so I could hear what they were saying. Thank god mom left the window open.

I felt scared, like I should start running, but dad and mom wouldn't want me to do that.

Well, mom kind of protective, so dad wouldn't want me to run.

"Look, there's a safe back here! And it's empty! This must have been where the cane was!"

"Come on man she might still be here!"

I heard enough, I climbed down the fire escape and made a ran for it.

I darted past everyone I saw, just in case, I slipped dads cane in the backpack in case anyone knew it.

I had to get out of town, more people that took dad must be here.

But first, Carmelita, she's only here because she thinks she's hot on my dads tail.

She's not, it's about a day trip to the other city, and I have no way to get there.

I know! Mom and dad told me never to do it, but I have no other way. It's about a 3 hour trip by car. Hitch hiking.

I don't want to, but, I have to.

The hideout is next to the highway so that was easy.

I stuck my thumb out right on the start of the highway.

I waited, but some girl that looked 16 stopped her car.

"Hey little girl, where you going?"

"I'm going to the next city."

"Oh you mean Caterlot?"


"Cool I'm heading there myself, hop in."

I got in and she was a pink tiger.

We talked for a while and she was very friendly.

But I couldn't get my mind off my parents. What's happening to them? Are they ok? Are they still alive!

"Hey? Everything ok?"

"Yea I'm fine, thanks though."

"Cool, what's your name by the way?"

"I'm Mia"

"I'm Lily" she smiled at me.

She stopped talking and I fell asleep.

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