Chapter one Fears

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Kate pov

My classmates hate me, my teacher hates me, and the only people I can count one is my father and mother.

My dad laughs in the face and danger. Always doing what he does best, stealing.

I walked slowly from school, I had my blue colored backpack lazily hanging from my shoulder.

My phone buzzed loudly getting looks from people on the busy streets.

"Don't you have somewhere to be!" I spat only for them to look away and mumble to themselves.

I pulled my phone from out of my pocket and looked at the caller ID.

Call from Mom

I signed and answered.

"Hey mom, what's up?"

"Hey honey, how was school?"

The memories from today flashed though my mind.

"Hey Kate? Do you want to sit next to us at lunch?" The poplar crowd asked me.

They had always bullied me, maybe they changed.

I didn't pay learn ANYTHING in my classes because I kept day dreaming about lunch and how perfect it would be if I fit in.

The bell rang letting all the kids in the school that lunch had started.

I grabbed my stuff and ran out the door along with all the other kids trying to get away from the monster herself, my math teacher Ms. Eggs, she has such a strange name.

I forcefully pushed all my stuff into my locker and making sure to grab my lunch before I left.

I ran down the halls and got to the lunchroom.

The "cool" kids gestured me to come over.

As soon as I sat down, the girl named Mindy, threw her whole lunch tray on me! The Skylar, then Tom, then everyone! People got out of there seats and spilled there lunch on me.

I ran out of the lunchroom not caring what the teachers said or hearing the roar of kids laughing at me.
I just hid in the bathroom all day, trying to forget that I would never fit in.

Luckily I had my extra clothes in my gym locker.

"School was great mom!" I faked.

"Ok baby, I'm on a mission right now and I can't talk and your father is sleeping in the hideout."

"Ok love you mom!"

I hung up and tried to forget about what happened.

My parents might be Thieves, but I'm not, and the cops don't know about me, so I can do whatever I want.

I walked inside the hideout where dad to see it trashed!

Dishes were broken and glass was all over the floor, the carpet and walls were torn up, and everything was a mess.

"Shit! I forgot about dad!"

I ran upstairs into their bedroom, and he wasn't there....

I started crying, I was VERY close to my dad, I have his ring tail and all. To be real, I'm a daddy's girl.

Then I remembered, dads cane that he trained me with, whenever he's not on a mission he hides it in a safe in the closet with the book.

I'm not really aloud to say it out Loud tho.

I dove into the closet and it was still there.

I'm not aloud to touch it unless it's an emergency.

I got out of the closet and called mom.

"Baby, this has to be an emergency I'm kind of busy right now."

"Mom! You said dad was sleeping in bed right?"


"Mom he's not there! And he house is trashed!"

"WHAT! I'm on my way home right now."

I hung up and waited, and waited, and more waiting.

It's been 2 weeks since that phone call.

She hasn't answered her phone since and she hasn't come home.

Then I realized, she's not coming back.

I cried for hours until I knew that if mom and dad were here, they would want me to not give in.

I took deep breaths and calmed myself.

Mom and dad aren't just gone, they were taken.

And if they want mom and dad, they might come back for me! I had to leave.

I went into the safe again and grabbed dads cane, and the book, I couldn't leave it here.

But this time, under the book was a letter.

Dear Kate,

I don't know what's happening but something is horribly wrong!

They want me and your mother, and they are coming for you, I have trained you how to use the cane, how to go roof to roof, how to lock pick, how to pick pockets, and more.

I have cash hidden under your bed so grab that and run.

There are people out there that want to hurt you, just because your my daughter, stay away from them, find my old friends, they can, and will protect you.

Find Bentley, Murray, And maybe, Carmelita, sure she's a cop, but you haven't done anything wrong, and along the way, go for Dimitri, he will help you, not a lot, but you know.

Love you


Tears spilled out my eyes, there was a PS at the bottom, Dimitri I think lives in New York.

But first, the cop

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