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"So Niall said that you go along rather well with his cousin when you met up," Louis commented softly. We'd been sitting on Skype for about twenty minutes now, discussing what would be happening when he came to Australia, how everything would work...you know, the boring side of things. I could tell that he had something on his mind, or something he wanted to say for the majority of the call and woop, there it was.

I was sat on my bed, legs folded to one side while I spoke to Louis. His bright blue eyes were scrutinising my every move as soon as he asked the question and I could feel the discomfort boiling within the pit of my stomach.

"Yeah...I mean, I guess we got on okay," I shrugged, "It was awkward at first but then after he saved me from an off encounter with my best friend we chatted a little more. He's a nice guy, we're seeing a movie together next weekend."

Louis raised an eyebrow, "He's a nice guy," he scoffed a little, which – okay, wow. That's a little bit rude, Mr Tomlinson! – "Do you like him?" he asked, tone laced with a bitter sense.

"Uh, sure; I mean he's a nice guy," I started, toying with the loose thread of my pyjama pants—and no, not the ones covered in Louis' face, no way was I making that mistake again. I didn't know what to say to that, I barely knew Deo. We'd barely spent two hours together after Taylor had left. He was a reasonable bloke, funny, nice, easy to talk to.

"Sure, he's a nice guy," Louis mocked again. And really, if he was going to be this rude all the time well then f.uck him, I'd find some other way to earn money. "Do you want to date him?"

I parted my lips to respond and then snapped them shut once more. Date Deo? I hoped my expression was telling Louis exactly how crazy he sounded. Like I said, we'd barely spent two hours together, I'd met the guy once. Deo knew my situation and we were just hanging out with the movies because he'd...oh what was I kidding; I knew Deo liked me—not to sound conceited or anything but it was a little bit obvious.

"Look, I don't care if you date him. I mean our arrangement is just as friends, companionship and all that. But just remember that I take priority," Louis stated, his eyes widening a little the moment the obnoxious sentence came out of his pretty little lips. "God I probably sounded like such a diva. I'm sorry. It's just...Deo and I never really got along and I don't want to be hearing about him every time that you and I are together."

I waited for him to finish talking, a little curious as to the reason behind them not really getting along, surely there had to be a reason. But I bit down on my tongue, holding back that question and hopefully the blush that was forming on my cheeks at the suggestion of Deo and me dating. "I understand your concern," I started slowly, looking back at the screen. "But for the time being and probably for a long while actually, we are just friends. So you have nothing to worry about."

"Okay good," Louis nodded awkwardly, "I'm glad we were able to sort tha—"

His words were cut off when my bedroom door flew open, Taylor letting herself into the room. "Okay, so tell me about your date with Niall's cousin! How is Niall in person? What did you do after I left?" My hand flew forward, ending the skype call and closing the lid so she couldn't see who I had been talking to. I don't think I'd ever ended a call so quickly—or that I would ever willingly hang up on Louis Tomlinson without so much as a goodbye, but nope, here I was...

My eyes wandered up to meet Taylor's and I gave her a sheepish smile, "It wasn't a date," I started, licking my bottom lip nervously. I lifted my phone up, shooting Louis a quick skype message in apology to ending the call, letting him know that Taylor had come over and demanded my attention and that we would continue the call later on.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2015 ⏰

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