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New Message:

From: L. William

Hi Courtney,

Just a message to remind you about our interview today... I've taken the liberty to check and change to your time-zone. It's at 4pm AEST.

Talk soon,




Incoming video call:

L. William

"Huh..."I muttered to myself, staring at the imageless profile before tapping down on the answer button, clicking my tongue in annoyance that I still wasn't able to see this man's face. I watched the screen, waiting for the video to open.

It took a long moment before the image appeared, and I was quick to give my assessment. The man was a big, burly man-maybe in his late 30s or early 40s-a little bit of a letdown in my mind-he looked oddly familiar, though I couldn't quite put my finger on where I might possibly know him from. He was sat at a table in what looked to be a hotel room; there was an unmade bed in the background, a few clothes strewn to one side.

I cleared my throat and offered and awkward smile. "L. William?"

He let out a small laugh and there was a soft chortle somewhere else in the room. Great, he's not alone. "No...no, my name is Alberto...I work for him. It isn't ideal for him to do this-if word got out from any of the individuals that we are interviewing-let's just say that it wouldn't end well."

I nodded slowly, tapping my finger on my thigh in thought. The man had an American accent and part of me leapt in excitement, I knew from what I'd read on his account that he was in and out of Australia but it never specified as to where he was from and so it was exciting that if I got this position that I would be able to listen to an accent other than my own. "So how exactly is this going to work? Is it like a job interview? Should I have worn a tie?" I tried to keep my speech light, not wanting to create any unnecessary tension within the room.

Once more there was a muffled laugh from outside of the camera's vision that was silenced as soon as Alberto glared past the laptop, "L. William is in the room with me, he will be taking notes and asking questions via me as needed... Okay, so first question, which is the most important of them all. If you are chosen, will you be willing to sign a confidentiality form-meaning that you cannot leak any information about anything to the press or anyone else."

I pursed my lips; this really must have been someone dreadfully important. "Sheesh," I joked, sighing lightly. "Who am I interviewing for, Oprah?" although the look on Alberto's face told me that this was a serious comment. "Yes! Yes, of course I would...not that I'm the type of person to release anything anyway, but yes of course, if it is needed..."

Alberto nodded slightly, skimming the sheet in front of him. "So your account says that you live in Melbourne?"

"It's actually...I live in one of the towns in the Northern Suburbs...about a half hour travel via train for me to get to the city."

Alberto hummed and looked past the screen to-what I presumed to be L. William. "Tell me about yourself...why are you interested in Sugar Daddies?"

I pursed my lips slightly, making a mental note not to get too personal with the whole remarrying thing. "My best friend has a Sugar Daddy... I can't get a job and I don't want to be living with my dad when he remarries in two months... My options are to either live with my best friend and her SD or get a job...and considering I can't seem to get a job and my best friend is very sexually active...I don't particularly want to be living with the."

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