Chapter 1

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I do not own this story. It is written by Aellia on All credits go to her.

Ways to reach the author:
ao3: Aeliia Aeliia
tumblr: memesbeforedark/sunshineboyhide

It had been a busy day at Anteiku. The workers were exhausted after the many hectic hours. In midst of the chaos, a customer had turned the channel on the TV to the news. It had been left on even after the shop closed, unnoticed by the weary workers.

A news anchor spoke, "And now, on a more local note, another student from Kamii University has disappeared. This is the second disappearance, and police are now investigating where the victim was last seen. His name has not been released, but it is known that he was working for the CCG. It is suspected that this disappearance is closely tied with the disappearance of the first student, Kaneki Ken, and that ghouls are involved. Investigators, though, say there have been no clues found as to where the victim may be..."

Hide awoke with a start. The first thing he noticed were the bright lights above him, effectively blinding his eyes. Squinting, he tried moving his arm to cover his face, but found that it wouldn't move. Nothing would move. Oh god, he thought. I've been kidnapped. I've been kidnapped and I don't even remember anything, oh my god.

Panic began to seize him, and he pressed against the restraints holding his limbs down. He thrashed, hitting his head on the cold, hard steel table he was lying on multiple times before subsiding. He sat still for a moment, regaining his breath before trying again. It was no use.

What the hell should I do?

Just then, the door opened. Hide sat up as best he could to see a tall man with graying hair in a white lab coat stride in. "Ah, I see you're awake," the man said. "Let's see how you're doing."

"What's going on?" Hide asked, distressed. The man didn't answer, and instead inserted a needle into his right arm. Hide flinched as blood was drawn into the tube. The man pulled it out and walked out of Hide's sights, murmuring to himself as he did so. Thoroughly weirded out, Hide tried questioning him again. "Who are you? What did you do to me?"

The man stepped back into his view, a sinister smile plastered on his face, but said nothing. Then he left.

As the time passed, Hide grew more and more agitated. He wanted to know what was happening. He wanted to know what that creepy guy had done to him, and why he needed his blood. But even more so, after a whole day of lying awake on the hard table, he wanted to know why he didn't feel even the slightest pang of hunger.

The man periodically came back, bringing him a glass of water each time. Despite Hide's constant barrage of questions, he remained silent, not speaking single a word. After a day and a half, he finally responded.

"Can I have some food?" Hide asked when the man entered his room.

The man thought a moment before speaking. "I think you'll find it to be to your disliking."

"Please," Hide pleaded. "I'll take anything you have."

"Are you hungry?"

"...No, but humans need food, man. It's kind of a necessity."

The man snorted. "Very well, then. I'll bring you some food."

He left and returned around half an hour later carrying a plate with a sandwich on it. It was pretty plain- ham, lettuce, cheese, and tomatoes-but Hide accepted it nonetheless. The man removed his restraints for the first time since he had awakened and let Hide stretch his sore limbs. It had never felt so good to move again.

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