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	One by one, group by group, people pulled up to Vanessa's large estate in all the expensive cars their parents bought

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One by one, group by group, people pulled up to Vanessa's large estate in all the expensive cars their parents bought. Gilinsky arrived in his Jeep with Nate and Sammy. When Sammy walks in, he finds his girlfriend Serenity, sipping on a beverage and swaying to the music. He kisses her on the forehead and holds her tight.

Meanwhile, Lucy is startled when Gilinsky comes up behind her.

"Crazy isn't it," he asked as they stare at Sammy and Serenity.

"What is?"

"How they can go through what they did and still be so strong."

"What did they...go through?"

"Were you living under a rock?" Gilinsky chuckled. "She was pregnant and miscarried. Don't get me wrong, I love my boy Sam but there was no way in hell he would've been able to father that kid."

"They were gonna keep it?" Lucy's face scrunched up.

"Oh yeah. Anyway, where's Vanessa?" Gilinsky looked so excited to be at the party.

"Probably out by the pool."

"Awesome, thanks Lulu." He pats her on the shoulder & quickly walks away.

"Don't call me tha— aaand he's gone."

Lucy continued to watch them and got a troubled look in her eye. Things got worse when she saw Nate enter the party clearly after smoking, greeting whatever friend he saw. She rolled her eyes and walked in the opposite direction.

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	Kaliah Reeves aka Kali sat on her couch in a robe, snacking on a bowl of popcorn and scrolling through her recorded shows

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Kaliah Reeves aka Kali sat on her couch in a robe, snacking on a bowl of popcorn and scrolling through her recorded shows. Her doorbell rang and she got up to answer. She opened the door to find Nadia and John aka Swazz all dressed for Vanessa's party.

"Nadia...Swazz-meister...how goes it," she asked, already knowing why they were there.

"You're not dressed," Nadia pointed her finger at Kali.

"But I'm not naked." Kali moved away from the door, going back to her bowl of popcorn. "I told you those parties aren't my thing."

"We have to kick off senior year with a bang, come on!"

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