Chapter 1

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New story. Hope you enjoy!!
Spencer's mocha eyes dilated as she saw the pile of homework next to her, that was incomplete. The young woman's phone started buzzing as soon as she found out her mistake. The screen came on and a blue eyed boy face appeared on the screen, making Spencer smile. She clicked the answer button before hearing a muffled hello. "Oh hey Toby." Spencer greets before opening her history textbook that was actually based off of British History.

"What are you doing right now?" Toby asks on the other line. Spencer realizes her good hand was preoccupied, so she switched the phone into the other hand to make it more convenient.

Spencer sighs before looking down at the blank worksheet. "I am currently looking down at my incomplete assignment."

Toby laughed into the phone making Spencer look at the phone annoyed by his joke. "Spencer Hastings forgot to do her home work for once. Now I feel more superior considering I finished my homework."

"Oh and what was your homework, building a new shelf or a chair for me to sit in?" Spencer challenges throwing her paper into a binder. "Could you come over soon or later?"

Toby smirks on the otherline grabbing a cup of newly brewed coffee. Before he met Spencer he wasn't really into coffee, but after hanging out and dating Spencer for a year. Coffee suddenly became his favorite beverage mainly because it reminded him of his favorite person, Spencer Hastings. "Sure, but you have to promise you won't be to focused on your studies to pay attention to me because I need attention too." Toby reminds her with a giant smile plastered across his face.

"Is attention code for something?"

Toby shakes his head. "Nope." He his left hand up to his phone while using his right hand to grab ahold of his car keys. He opens the door and walks down to his tan truck. "And you're going to have to start finishing up because me and my baby are on the way."

"Who is exactly this baby that you speak of?" Spencer curiosity comes over her. She snaps her fingers right in front of her face figuring out what he met. "Never mind... don't answer that question I am so dumb. I can't wait to see that baby parked in the driveway. I love you."

Toby grins as he starts pulling out of the driveway. "I love you too." Toby hangs up the phone and sets it in the console before driving to his destination across town.
The sunlight shines down on the models who were lined up in front of Hanna. She inspected every little detail about them making sure they were a perfect fit for her outfits that she created. Today was a fashion show hosted by, Hanna Rivers, she had so far picked a couple of girls who fit the description. She kept debating over two younger looking girls apart of the group. She didn't usually like adding younger girls into the mix, but right now she was in place were she had to pick now or there wasn't going to be a showcase. Usually she would have some of her friends from highschool model in it considering in highschool they did their own showcase for Alison. Which was pretty amazing except for the -A message at the end plastered on the screen freaking everyone out. She couldn't have her friends apart of it this time because Spencer was in London, Aria was in a depressed state, and Emily and Alison are trying to adopt some kids.

She watches as a blonde steps onto the stage showing off her model skills trying to get some 'ohs' from Hanna, but it doesn't work. "Next!" Hanna barks in a loud voice scaring the young girl on stage. Hanna needs the girls who will wow everyone, the blonde was one of the most critique person ever. Everything you did something was wrong with according to Hanna. Hanna had found only a hand full of perfect girls, she only needs about 2 more to make the bunch perfect for her. After Charles had been shot, their lives had been easier, but they all knew that they would never be able to forget everything A had put them through.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2016 ⏰

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