Train ride

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Ellis and Elizabeth grabbed there things and headed to the train. Elizabeth turned and looked at me.  "Laura Emily , your going to miss the train." "But I don't have tickets," I reply knowing what would happen next. "Yes you do silly! There right there on your lap!" Sure enough I look down to see two tickets on my lap. One for the train and one for the Titanic.  Elizabeth comes back and grabs my hand and throws the tiny suitcase, that I just noticed, to Ellis. He caught it with ease and hurried after us running through the maze of people after the tall girl with red hair.  We climbed on the train with the help of a couple of gental men standing beside the train. Then turned to take out bags from Ellis, who with a lightened load jumped nimbly onto the train. We put our bags in the over head compartment and settled into the red plush sets. Soon the conductor came down the isle asking for tickets. When he got to us I asked " where are we going?" He look at me quizzically before responding " Southampton, didn't you know that little lady?"  After years of doing this I could easily lie. "No, the tickets were a gift for my birthday." "You must come from a fine money background to afford first class on the Titanic," he said gesturing to the ticket I still had in my hand.  "Oh", I grin sheepishly and look down at my hands, "hard work and savings." He nods and continues to walk down the isle. Soon the train was moving full speed ahead. The night was almost upon us as Ellis and I headed into the food car  still in full debate mode.  We were talking about anything and everything. When we got up to the counter the waiter was cleaning shot glasses, looked up and asked in a deep British accent,"What do you want." I opened the pocket on my jacket and took out a couple of dollars. "I would like a sandwich," I said pulling out twenty-five cents and handing it across the counter. He slides the ham sandwich across the counter as I tuck the money back into my pocket.  "And I would like a cup of tea and sandwich," Ellis said taking out some money out of a burlap bag in his pocket.   The man hands the cup of tea and the sandwich across the counter, afraid that some will fall.  He takes the money and puts it in the cash register. As we walk out he starts to buff the counter with a rag.  We finish our dinner and head over to the sleeping car. Elizabeth retired in there a couple of hours ago. I climb on to the bunk under Elizabeth and  let the gentle moving of the train rock me to sleep.

Time traveler:  mission Titanic                               LauraEmily209Where stories live. Discover now