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When I wake up I am on a dark wood bench. My hoodie and jeans are gone replaced with a dress. (See above!)With a white button up top and a dark blue skirt It was actually quite pretty, I reached up and felt my head. Where my poney tail was there was now in a tight bun. I look down and see my gold locket still in place. If you open it and press the button inside you will be in the future. There are brown boots on my feet also. A horn of a coming train knocks me out of my daydreams. The train comes to a stop and an ocean of people pour out. The bench sags and I can tell someone sat next to me. I look up to see a beautiful girl, with red hair ,freckles ,and glowing green eyes. Her hair is done up into an elegant twist at the base of her neck. Her dress is a white frilly frock, with a thin tweed coat over it ,and a small leather handbag she is clutching with all her might. When she notices me starring she looks at me a warm smile lighting up her green eyes. "Hi" she sticks out her hand for me to shake, "I'm Elizabeth". "Hi" I shake her hand, "I'm Laura Emily "I reply after a moments hesitation. I can't go by Lee because that is a boys name in this time period, so I go with my full name. "Guess what," she asks, with out waiting for a reply she answers, "I'm going on the titanic! 2nd class! I'm babysitting for my sisters husband brothers kids. David, Isabella, Katie, and James." "That's a lot of kids," I say getting in a moment to talk. "Yes well none of them are to small except Katie, she is a toddler. The others are 4 and older." "You won't have a moment to rest," I say.  "Well it will all be worth it when I get there and see my fiancé, John. My brother is traveling with me he went to go to the bathroom. Oh her he comes now." A gorgeous guy in tan trousers and a suit jacket with a white shirt came hurrying to meet us. As he got closer I noticed he had bright blue eyes and brown hair that is being whipped around by the wind. When he reaches us he starts talking" Elizabeth our train is going to leave in a few minutes..." He stops talking when he sees me. He bends down and tips his hat to me. "Hello madam my names Ellis. " "Laura Emily," I reply.  He opens his mouth to say more but is cut off by the conductor shouting. "All aboard!"

Time traveler:  mission Titanic                               LauraEmily209Where stories live. Discover now