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First off I love you guys so much! I got so many messages its crazy!!! You're awesome!! Agghhh!!! So yeah!

And remember...your comments give me motivation and that makes me update faster so you should comment and stuff.... Yeah!

second i would like to say that this chapter is dedicated to JonahBohn, cause she is going to be one of the new characters and she is  in at this chapter.

Hey did you ever notice most of the titles to the chapters are song titles? huh? im a fucking music freak!

So like totally read on gurl! Or guy if any guys read this...... I seriously doubt it though. 


Sam's POV

He thinks WHAT!?

I am racking my brain right now. He loves me!? It sounds so strange. I haven't heard that since my mum.

." I should go." He said nervously as he stood up.

At that moment all of my thoughts processed....and I knew.

I love him.

He saved me.


"WAIT!!!" i yell as he reaches the door. "Stay. Please?"

he turned around slowly.

"I don-"

"Just shut up and let me talk."

"ok" he mumbled.

I looked down at my hands.

"Now life is pretty fucked for obvious reasons. I haven't loved someone for so long i'm not even sure if i know what it is anymore. I am so broken not only inside but outside. there are no guarantees that i won't be back in this hospital bed next year, or month, or even week. I'm not sure on anything really. My life right now is one big 'I Don't Know'. But there is one thing i do know....."

I paused and looked up at him. I was crying now. My eyes stung from the tears.

"I do know," i continued. "that I love you." i let out the breath i didn't even know i was holding in.


He leaned down and gavel the biggest hug I have ever received.

After a couple of minutes he slowly pulled away.

"I really do love you." He told me. He slowly started leaning in. Before I knew it his forehead was pressed against mine. I closed my eyes waiting for his lip to be upon mine, when the door burst open.

Niall jerked away, twirling his fingers. 

I stared at him, he stared back.

Someone cleared their throat. We both snapped our heads towards the door, where we saw Zayn standing.

"Um....sorry if I interrupted" He said staring at us.

"Uh no. You didn't." I mumbled looking down.

"Yeah." Niall agreed.

"Ok..." Zayn shuffled over to my bed. 

"How are you feeling?"

"Ok. My arms and stomach hurt a bit but the doctor said that would be normal."

"It's normal?" Niall questioned.

"Yeah they did the surgery there." I pulled up my hospital gown, the blanket still covering my lower half, showing them my large scar from where they worked in the stab wound.

They both gasped. "Ow!" Zayn covered his mouth. I looked down at it. I ran my finger over the stitches. It was bigger than I thought.

It ran from my belly button all the way up, under my shirt.

I flinched a bit when my finger reached the high part of my ribs.

"Are you okay!?" They yelled in sink.

"Y-yeah. Just sore." I squeezed my eyes shut. "I didn't realize how big it was." I whispered. I pulled my gown back down.

"Its okay don't cry!" Zayn leaned down and hugged me. I hadn't even realized I was crying.

"I'm sorry." I mumble into his shoulder.

"No need to be sorry, love." He said. He pulled away smiling at me.

Just then the rest of the lads came in.

"Hey Sam!" Louis yelled.

"Shhh!" Liam scolded him. Louis stuck his tongue out at him.

"How are you?" Harry asked walking over to me and giving a hug and a quick peck on the cheek.

"I'm okay. Just a bit sore." He nodded. Louis and Liam both hugged me and sat down at the foot of my bed.

We sat in silence for a while till Zayn blurted out,

"So Niall and Sam almost kissed." I turned bright red and I'm sure Niall did too. They all stared at me with wide eyes.

I slowly lowered myself under my blanket, away from the humiliation.

They all burst out laughing.

"Come on Sam! Don't be embarrassed!" A voice I figured as Louis said.

I shoved only my hand out from under the covers, flipping him off. I then pulled my hand back under.

The door opened so I pulled the blanket down so I could see again.

"Hello Sam!" A young nurse happily said. The boys turned around and looked at her. I swear Harry's eyes almost popped out of his head.  "My name's Jonah. i'll be taking care of you today."

"Hi." i smiled a bit. 

"Ok boys..... i'm going to have to ask you to leave for now. You can come back in soon."

Liam nodded and stood up. The others followed. Niall walked over and kissed my cheek, then he walked out. 

Before Harry left he walked over to Jonah and whispered something in her ear, making her giggle.

I wonder if something will happen between them?

Niall's POV

I can't believe i almost kissed Sam! Stupid Zayn! UUUGGGGHHH!!!!!

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