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Sam's POV

Niall and Louis were here. Niall was on the verge of crying. I wanted to hug him.

The fact that I couldn't made me mad. I was ganna wake up now or so help me.

I drop my ice cream, which I was not expecting. My body went numb, but I didn't black out. I was lying down. All I could hear was my heartbeat.

The line went flat, like I was dead. I heard the beep.

My stomach hurt. Like I was sad. Or maybe mad? Kinda excited? It felt weird. Unexplainable.

I squeezed my eyes shut. A sharp pain went through my body. I screamed as loud as I could. It felt like fire bleeding through my body.

My vision was blurry. There was a bright light. It was blinding. I felt the urge to go towards it.

I was cold. I could see things shining. It was cloudy. Not thick, but misty. It was bright and sparkly.

Was I dead?

I look down and I see darkness. There was a red glow to it. It scared me. I defiantly didn't want to be down there.

I look ahead. In the distance. There was a shining figure.

"It's not your time." A booming voice ran through the air.

"What?" My voice was so different. It was twinkling?

"It's not your time." I felt pain as my chest wrenched forward.

I felt my heartbeat. I didn't even know it stopped. How was I alive without it? I wasn't even sure I was.

My eyes hurt. Beams shot everywhere. I felt like I was blind.

I felt myself jump. Then my eyes fluttered open, revealing a shocked, almost scared, looking Niall and Louis.

Niall looked pale. His cheeks were wet. His deep blue eyes were sparkling. I couldn't look away.

We stared at each other for a while. I sat up and started to cry. I leaned forward and engulfed Niall in a hug.

It felt good being able to be felt.

"Y-your......" He was crying now.

"Awake." Lou finishes for him.

I shake my head furiously, not letting him go.

He pulls away looking at me. He ran his thumb across my cheek. It reminded me of a song I once heard when my dad was drunk and passed out. Wipe Your Eyes I think it was called.

It sang 'Tonight before you fall asleep, I run my thumb across your cheek. Cry 'cause I'm here to wipe your eyes.'

It made me cry even harder. If that was possible.

By then I had been pulled back into a hug, except this time it was by Louis.

I pulled away wiping my eyes. "I-I'm sorry I got y-your shirt w-wet." I sniffled.

He chuckled. "It doesn't matter." He pulled me into his chest. I breathed in his cologne. It was amazing. I loved it.

I pulled him closer, wrapping my arms around his muscular torso. I nuzzled my head into his chest. He let out a breathy laugh. "Well hello to you too!"

His arms dropped, but I still clung to him. "I thought you didn't like being touched."

"Normally. But I know you won't hurt me. I-I trust you." I finally pulled away, staring at them both.

"You trust us?" They seemed surprised. I was too. I didn't think that I would ever trust again. And I especially didn't think that it would be by these boys. Considering that guys scare the shit out of me. I flinched at the thought of that man. I hope he doesn't come back.


"Did I say that out loud?"

"Kinda." Niall looked very worried.

"Sorry. I didn't mean for you to hear that." I look at my lap, fiddling my fingers.

"It's fine." Louis stood up. "I'm going to go to the cafeteria. Better get the doctors in here. They don't know you're up yet." He winked and left. I had forgotten about the doctors. I peeled my eyes away from the doors and to Niall. His expression was unreadable. I didn't like the feeling his glare gave me.

"I'll go get a doctor." He slowly stood up and shuffled towards the door, leaving me alone.

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