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~three weeks later~

Niall's POV

I woke up lying on her hospital bed. Our fingers intertwined. I wish she would wake up. It's been around four and a half weeks.

I knew I only had an hour left of today, then it was Louis' turn to see her.

She moved her hand yesterday, so the rest of the boys wanted to see her.

Vacation was almost over and when it was, the lads and I would have to go on tour. Which means if she doesn't wake up before then. She will be all alone.

"Mr. Horan?" My head snapped up. It was the doctor.

"Yes?" I untangled our hands and sat up.

"We hate to inform you, but if she doesn't show any diaristic signs of getting better we will have to unplug."

"W-what!?" I chocked out. I wanted to yell. The words were caught in my throat.

"I'm so sorry."

"How long?"

"Two weeks." My throat clenched shut. I felt tears welling up in my eyes.

I hung my head in my hands.

The doctor left. I turned around to face her.

"Sam. You gotta wake up. You just have to!" I grabbed her hand. "Please Sam. Please."

What was I ganna do?


Yes, I know this one is super short, but it gives you info.

I'll prob update tomorrow, considering I have no life, so I have nothing better to do.


Love you bunches! Thank you much for reading!

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