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Sam's POV

Yesterday the doctor said I had two weeks. I had to try. I just had to wake up!

Today was Louis' day to visit me. I was excited. Plus today was ice cream day. Well for me anyway.

I was sitting on the window sill with my bowl in my hands. The door cracked open.

"Hey Louis!" I jumped down and scrambled over to the door. I have him a hug. He jumped, his eyes widened.

Wait did he feel me.

He shrugged it off and walked over to my bed. I followed close behind him.

"Hey Sam." He grabbed my hand.

You know since he's here, I'm ganna try to wake up. I tripped on my foot and my vision went black.

My body was numb. Concentrate Sam! Concentrate!

I focus on my hands. I can feel my right one. Now my arms.

My vision came back. Darn. At least I got my hand moving.

Louis' POV

She moved her hands! It scared me at first. She squeezed my hand. Like she knew I was there.

Well of corse she knew I was there! The doctor even said she could. But the fact that she squeezed my hand.

I know it was little. I know she has two weeks. I just want her to wake up.

This is all hard to explain. We all had only known her for around a day, but I've felt like I've known her forever. It was weird. I knew the others felt the same way.

I was there for a few hours when Niall walked in.

"Any progress?" He asked his voice tired, like he hasn't slept in a while.

"So far today? Well all she's done is squeeze my hand." I said standing up.

"Oh." He said rubbing the back of his neck. He walked over to her bed and sat down. He grabbed her hand and ran his thumb over her scars.

"You knew about her cuts, didn't you?"

I let out a big sigh. "Yeah." I sat down by him.

"You did too, didn't you?"

"I guess I just didn't want to think that she would do something like that to herself. I mean I knew things weren't alright, but I just didn't want to bring it up. I mean, what if I was wrong. I didn't want to offend her or anything. But I knew what they actually were. I knew what she did." He sighed his voice cracking a bit.

"It's alright mate." I rubbed his back trying to make him feel a bit better.

Just then she moved. We both turned around immediately.

Her eyes flickered open.


So she's awake! Woo-Hoo! Yippie!

Next chapter should be her point of view on how she woke up. Be ready!

Vote/comment. I will update when I get 3 votes ;D

Thank you very much for reading this far!

Love you bunches!

Not Good Enough//n.hDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora