Sam on the other hand kept quiet preferring to keep a watchful eye on their surroundings. A born guardian with the brains as well as the brawn to get the job done.

Now David was a different story all together. From his boyish looks and goofy grin Redwynne doubted he was much older then seventeen. She was immediately great full he was sent to her. A young impressionable male such as he would have been corrupted by Rupert.

With a plan in place everyone moved into potion on the south side of the house, scouring the windows they could see in looking for a sign to leading them to Tyler's where abouts. Micheal, looking through a large bay window on the first floor, spotted Tyler chained in the middle of a grand ball room. Signaling the others they found a safe spot to formulate an extraction plan.

Micheal recounted what he'd seen, "He's chained to the floor. Surrounded by what looked like at least thirty weres."

Jacob asked, "Was Jarvis or Carl there?"

Micheal shook his head, "I didn't see Jarvis but that doesn't mean he's not there. I couldn't see the front of the room. As for Carl he was there..." He trailed off at his mentioning of Carl prompting Redwynne to ask him what Carl had been doing, "He was flogging Tyler's back. From the amount of blood I'd say he'd been at it a while."

Redwynne's rage was so severe she shook from it. Power rippled off of her causing her pack mates to shrink back from her. Jacob spoke being sure to keep his tone calm and filled with assurance, "Alpha we will get him back. And they will pay for what they've done." We have to stay calm. We can't afford to do something reckless causing anyone to get hurt. Listening to her wolf Redwynne squashed the power rising up in her.

Having regained her self-control she quickly thought up and laid out phase four of her plan, "Here's the plan. We know they want me and are expecting me. There's no way to go in and extract Tyler without being seen. Not with him being guarded by so many pack members."

David the youngest and smallest asked, "What are we going to do then?"

Redwynne looked him in the eye, "We aren't going to do anything. I'm going to go right in through the front door."

Her pack brothers protested this with a mass of growls and objections. Jacob silienced them with his hand, "Alpha we can't let you do this. If you go in there alone they are liable to kill you on site."

"No they won't," she said smiling an all knowing smile, "Jarvis wants to kill me himself and Cindy wants to watch. The guards no doubt have orders to bring straight to him." Looking each of them in the eye I then said, "When they take me to him I'll raise so much hell you'll be able to slip snatch Tyler and take him to safety."

They all looked at me concern shining in their eyes. Jacob was the one to ask what they were all thinking, "What about you?"

Redwynne wanted to lie to them sparring them the worry she knew they'd feel but she couldn't. Chances of her getting out alive - of all of then getting out a live were very bad but more so for her. However, she could ensure their safety and Tylers by keeping there part in all this down to a minimum. As their Alpha she couldn't let them die.

Gathering up her power letting it wrap around her like a visible shield she let her pack feel her might. Using her authority as Alpha she gave her first and last command, "I'm dead the moment I go through that door but Tyler doesn't have to be - " Looking at each of her brothers, her family she said, "You don't have to be. No matter what happens you're to get Tyler and yourselves out of there alive."

Sho could see their disapproval in their eyes. They didn't agree with her but once given the command they couldn't disobey their Alpha despite their objections.

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