Chapter 37: A new beginning

Start from the beginning

Swamy finally entered his classroom.

"Hey Swamy, how's it going?" Manish said. Swamy grimaced.

"As usual eh..." Rajan laughed.

Amazingly, Swamy had realized, that his friends were the ones who became his hiding closet. More than that, they didn't even try to weasel out game stuff from him. 'Guess I lucked out when we became friends.'

Rajan and Sneha were not from the same island so many of the things Raka knew was not really useful for them anyway. What surprised him more was that Manish and Himali refused to find out things through him.

"We like to play our own way. Though we won't say no to some help from time to time," they said smiling.

'Kinda ashamed that I did not tell them about me for so long.'

"So would you be interested in joining our guild?" Himali asked while smiling.

"Well, I would like to have my own guild. Sorry again," Swamy simply smiled.

And that was that. Life went on as they started their own discussion about the game.


Raka stood outside the library staring at that God Metalman statue again. He had this feeling like he had once again started this game. Whether he liked it or not, in this place, he did not know anyone or had anything to do.

Except Kilthan.

'He is running late.' For now atleast, his primary source of information was the library. And for that he needed Kilthan's help.

'Once I am done here, I will go look for a job,' Raka thought as he planned his game day. 'From there I will need information about the things around here.'

Anyone looking at him right now would have thought that he was fervently worshiping the God Metalman. Though, if one could look at his eyes they would find that they were completely unfocused like if his mind were anywhere but here.

"Sorry, I am late." A voice interrupted Raka's train of thought.

He looked back and saw Kilthan running up to him. A running dwarf should have made a comical sight. But Kilthan's running had the kind of balance and grace only a seaman could produce. 'Or perhaps that is due to earth magic..hmm..maybe both.'

"It's alright. Thanks for coming like always." Raka smiled.

Because entering the library required the dwarf's help, Raka always prioritized this thing over all else. After all, Kilthan couldn't always be around. Also he didn't know when Kilthan might need to head out on another voyage.

Today, he was gathering information about the geography of this island. 'Let's spend a little time in history as well.' Thinking all that he headed up to the second floor and looked up some books. He brought them to a reading desk and sat down to peruse.

The dwarf island is called the Earth Ring in common tongue. This is because when the first dwarves settled here, the island was in the shape of a circle or ring. The dwarf history is said to be one of the oldest in the world as we were one of the first ones to choose Inflection. The reasons we had to move to this island have not been found yet but the oldest records and ruins found do indicate that the first dwarves arrived on this island about 70,000 years ago.

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