Éomer No.1

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Banished. The gods you decided hated you, and you swore to turn your back on the undercurrent of life, on the god who helped the forming of the great land you so desperately traveled in search for someone - someone that long ago, held your heart and you crushed his instead. Karma. You thought bitterly, nudging your horse into a fast walk as you reached Rohan's harsh plains, that carried on for miles. I could be there to comfort him - we could be banished into the lands together, under the name of death. But no, this was not to be so, you had ran from him years ago, with only your quiver, bow and a necklace made of the finest stone and cut diamonds.

"I can't take this" you grasped, as he gave you a lopsided grin, as he managed to clip the beautiful thing around your neck. 'Close you eyes' he said, 'It's a surprise'. You scuffled bitterly, ''Th- This is fair too fine - I'm afraid I can't take it" you cried, you neck warming and your cheeks followed. Éomer cackled, ''No is suits you" you scowled playfully, but your voice remained serious, ''Éomer...'' you began, sneezing as the rich flowers around you caught wind. Hay fever. You wiped your eyes on your sleeve, and cackled, feeling hopeless and helpless. Éomer cackled, pulling your hair that you had let down after training, away from your face. You blinked furiously, and managed to look at him with narrowed eyes. You loved Éomer, his grin, his personality, his eyes... everything that was him, you felt so strongly connected to, but you refused to allowed your feelings cause awkwardness though, so you did not show them - but you felt the tide of it, slowly pulling you to solid ground. But could you live with that forever? No, you would run away, you would run away with or without your feelings being told - you were a coward, you hated feelings, they made you weak, and you couldn't face that. ''Y/N?"
You shook your head, focusing on trying to make you smile reach your eyes, ''Éomer'' you mimicked in the same tone he used. Suddenly you kissed him. Not realizing that that night you would runaway because of the weakness you felt, for loving another.

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