Fili No.1

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You groaned as you awoke, both your hands were strapped to the posts beside you, you were kneeling and you of course couldn't get up. The whip made contact with you back, you gritted your teeth together, what a lovely surprise. You peered through the crowd, there stood was a young dwarf, about your age (77) he grinned at you, poking the tongue at you. The little devil!! The whip made contact with your skin again, this time you felt the hooks, make a jagged holes in your back. You bite down the scream, in stead you grunted. The young dwarf still stared at you, his eyes dancing. The whip came again, and you winced, trying not to make it that enjoyable for the boy... a sign of weakness would make his day. You felt the whip make contact with your back again, and you became to to aware of how much blood you were losing. You felt lightheaded, but as the whip made contact with your skin again you felt a raw anger slip over. You snarled, the whip came again, but you focused on staring ice glares and the male, the male that deserved this, not you! You were just training with your little brother, then he comes along, ruining the peace between your brother and him, by taunting him and sneering at him to make a mistake. You of course tried to settle it, and what you didn't know was that he was high in rank, so high in rank. And when you punched him, he knew you didn't. So he played along, punching you, beating you and you of course did it back. You sighed, the whip made contact again, you gritted to teeth, still glaring at him. The guard cut you bends, and you got up, head hung up high, shoulders still strong. The voice of your father whispering, ''A sign of defeated, the enemy will know they have won''. You wished he was here. Here. You didn't know where or here was. It was a little town in the middle of Rohan, that followed it's know punishments. You walked straight off the stage, and the crowd started dripping out of the town center. You sighed, at the sight of your uncle. You closed you eyes, printing the image of his disappointing look in your mind. You walked up to your uncle, your uncle gestured for you to follow, you did so reluctantly. Ignoring he pain, the hot red pain on your back, you slung your quiver back on. Your uncle lead you back inside your house that you shared with him, your aunty, your brother and a cousin. He turned you, and shook his head. ''How many times have I told you to walk away from a fight?"You shrugged, more than enough. Your uncle nodded, reading your gesture, ''Yes, so many times that I wonder if your stupid or not listening... I say the latter'' You sighed, your aunty charging in. She was the 'kinder' one out of the two, and actually listened to your ideas, problems and so fourth. You smiled at her, she grinned back, she was also the rebellious one out of the two. That was probably because she was from your father's side, you noted. She tipped her head at the sight of her husband, standing in front of me, glaring at me. She sighed, ''Karl... it is no use judging her, she is no little girl anymore'' she pointed out dramatically. My uncle snarled, ''She isn't'' he agreed, ''But she acts like it'' You were about to protest, but our aunty charged the subject. ''Let's get that back stretched up'' You sat on you bed, as she stretched you back up, her trained fingers hardly touching your back. ''Your uncle and I were talking last night...'' she announced. You looked over you shoulder. She continued, ''We believe it is time you leave home''
''What?" You aunty sighed, ''You are old enough now, you need to make your own life in the world''You couldn't describe our feelings it was between happiness or confusion. She allowed the silence to claim us. She finish, ''And you might as well take the chance to leave whilst you can''
''What about little brother?"
''Kyan? He'all stay here, until he is your age''

Four years later...You lodged in Bree, in the inn of the prancing pony. You sat at the window watching coming and going. You also noticed a wizard come in, he sat down opposite to a dwarf. You frowned and watched them as they spoke in soft tones, you also noticed that two men lift the room, still eyeing up the dwarf. Your brother sat next to you, he joined your adventuring two years ago. He watched them as well, ''You alright sister?"You shook you head, ''I'm fine, we should leave'' a uncomfortable presence lingered. You got up, your brother following suit. You gathered you gear and left as quickly as possible, your brother following with a confused frown. ''Sister what is wrong?"
''Couldn't you feel that presence?" Your brother considered, seeming to go back, ''Yes''
''I didn't like it'' you froze at the right of the some dwarf at got you whipped. He approached you, ''How is it half breed?'' Meaning half dwarf, half human. I snarled, ''Why are you here?" The dwarf laughed and you felt uncomfortable again. ''You didn't think that I would immediately think that you were the one to set my house on fire? Because I did''
''What fire?''
''oh you know...'' he stepped closer to you, ''The fire you started three weeks ago''You were about to protest, but you felt a blade entering your upper hip. You screamed, and looked wildly for Kyan, over the other dwarf hat stabbed you and held you firm. where was he? You looked into the dwarf's eyes. You felt sick as he spoke. ''You well repay me for that with your brother's life!"
''what?!" You then realized that there were more dwarfs. Your brother trying his best to take down all of them. If your brother couldn't fight them, you couldn't. You wept as you were shoved out of Bree's gates, your brother being knocked unconscious, was being dragged behind you. They chained your brother, and tied him to a tree. Then they set your brother on fire. You screamed, ''No! Please! No! I don't know what you mean by fire!"The dwarf didn' hear your pleas and watched as you brother burned. You struggled against the dwarfs, you brother you noticed when horror, he wasn't screamed, but he held firm. You sobbed, ''Please, put him out!" You managed. ''He has done nothing to you!" You continued, the pain, oh the pain. You felt yourself slipping away into darkness...You awoke that morning, wincing in pain as you felt your upper hip and the bump at the back of your head. You blinked then remembered what happened. You picked yourself up, and noticed that you weren't in Bree, or outside of the gate. You were far away from it. You looked around, and screamed as you noticed a dwarf, the one that was speaking to the wizard standing there. He's face suggested that he knew what happened. Your mouth became dry. ''Wha- what happened?" The dwarf's voice was strong, but held pity, ''Your brother didn't make it''You sobbed and sat down, sobbing. The dwarf made no move to comfort you. After a good ten minutes of sobbing, you blinked and bite your lip. You've been thinking yourself far too long. You got up, ''Sorry'' you muttered, he shook his head. You frowned, ''Who are you?" You asked.The dwarf smiled, ''Thorin Oakenshield. And you are?"You suddenly became all flustered. ''Y/N L/N'' Thorin gave what you could tell was a rare smile. ''I shall be on my way'' he went to turned away, but you stopped him, ''Thorin, can I by any chance follow you?"You traveled with Thorin to the Blue Mountains. And you immediately felt welcome. Thorin took you under his wing and became more like a father to you. Thorin knocked at a door, it was opened shortly after by a dwarf woman, who you guessed was Dís as much as your history understanding went. Dis smiled, as Thorin gestured for you to follow. ''And who's this?" She voice was surprisingly soft. You paused, ''Y/N L/N''Dis gently encouraged you inside, and made you a meal. You were half way through it, until two young dwarfs charged in. One about your age, another one just younger. Your back straightened. This must be Fili and Kili. They paused as they spotted you, you blush. You couldn't' help but think Fili as handsome. Fili and Kili looked curiously at Thorin. Thorin muttered. ''Y/N''In the first couple of weeks of staying, you were protected by Fili and Kili and were shown around by them. The second couple of weeks out started to open up to them, becoming closer. ''Hey Y/N, you going on the quest?" Kili asked, sitting under a shade of a tree. ''what quest?" You asked wearily. Kili shrugged, ''To reclaim Erebor''You looked over to Fili, Kili leaned on your shoulder, ''You like him don't you?"You fought the blush, Kili wiggled his eyebrows at me, and spoke softly. ''You know he likes you too''You pushed him away, ''Shut up''Kili pretended to look hurt. ''What?! I'm telling the truth!...'' he dropped off, ''He just hasn't made his move because he's scared your feelings towards him differ'' You groaned, and tugged a strand of his hair. ''If you say one word about this to Fili, I'm going to kill you''Kili pretended not to hear, ''What's that?! I can't hear you!" H spoke loudly, loud enough for Fili to hear. You clumped your hand over his mouth. He struggled, breaking free he yells. ''What?! You don't want to tell Fili that you like him!?" Oh you were going to kill him, it would be so bittersweet. Fili turned to you, were he was practicing sword play, frowning. Kili yelled, ''Fili come over here!"Fili looked curiously over to his brother. Kili was doing a gesture but before you could comprehend it, you wrestled him to the ground. Kili burst out laughing. Kili started to wrestle back, and throw you at Fili's feet. You blinked, that was quick. Fili offered his hand, and you took it gladly. Fili smiled, you froze, he knew. Fili gently lifted your chin and kissed you. Kili would wolf whistled. You kissed back.

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