Chapter - 14 A Near Death Experience...

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"When I-we went nuclear for that moment. Rose had flew back from the blast but then she came back and she was containing us. It was amazing. The way she did it, she looked like a God."

I look at Rose and see her twitch in her sleep.

"Well I'm just glad everyone is safe." He pats my shoulder.

"Yeah me too. Thank you, both of you for bringing me back to Cait."

"No problem."

My phone rings and I grab it quick so I don't wake up Rose.

I see its Joe and I'm dreading on telling him about this.


"Barry are you busy?"

"Uh..." I look at Rose then go back to the phone

"No, where are you...?"

•Rose's Pov•

I can't see.

"See no evil, Rosie Posie..."

Who's there?

Wait I can't speak?

"Speak no evil, Rosie Posie..."

I try to listen out for anything.


Other voices...

Anything. But nothing..

"Hear no evil, Rosie Posie..."

Where am I?


"Uh-oh. Rosie Posie, you can't call him here."

Why not?

I suddenly feel something against my ear.

Someone's lips maybe?

"Because, he doesn't belong here. No one does...except ussss..."

I wake up and my sight is disoriented.

"Whoa, Rose. Calm down. You're okay." Caitlyn was there and I was breathing hard.

"I..I can.."

I try to suck in air but my lungs won't listen.

"Rose, look at me." As Caitlyn goes to touch me I raise my hand and a window smashed open.

I fall on my side and try to claw at my throat.

"Rose! Stay with me! Ronnie! Dr. Wells!"

I grab her hand and I'm scared.

I hear a rush of footsteps and for reasons mostly known to me, I expected Barry to be among them.

Sadly is was just Ronnie.

"Get me a syringe."


No needles!

I shove my finger down my throat and Caitlyn grabs me but it too late I throw up and finally I'm able to breath.

I lay on the floor and look out the smashed window.

"It's..dark. How long have I been out?" I ask as I get up on wobbly feet.

"Just a little over four hours. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. I just felt like I had this knot in my throat. So I figured hey, throw up."

"Caitlyn, Ronnie? May I have a word alone with Rose?"

"Sure thing Dr. Wells." The moment they leave I feel guilty.

Chase The Impossible *A Barry Allen/OC Love Story #Wattys2016Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant