#8 Death Takes Hold

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(Cat in picture is Braveheart)

Six moons passed and Shiningstar led siege after siege against NightClan. Never once did they attack us, it was always us leading the attacks. Shiningstar stopped showing up around camp. She left only to announce another attacking party, do ceremonies, and lead us to gathering. Her downfall in mental health was obvious, and Braveheart did all he could to hold MoonClan together.

“Cats of MoonClan!” Shiningstar yowled from the rock pile. “It is time we put a stop to NightClan’s thieving.” Her words were met with weary silence. Only Ashstorm yowled his approval. The Clan was tired of these pointless battles, but Shiningstar would not listen when Braveheart told her it was foolish to continue fighting.

Adderpaw darted across the clearing to my side. “This is dumb.” He growled. “We don’t stand a chance against NightClan. We should stop aggravating them.” I nodded in agreement but said nothing. Silverpaw was beside us in no time.

“Why do we even listen to her anymore?” She demanded.

“Because she is our leader.” I replied. “Silverpaw, don’t say stuff like that.” Silverpaw grumbled something to Adderpaw that I didn’t pick up.

“Adderpaw, Silverpaw, come on. It’s time to go.” Mallowpelt meowed. She had received her warrior name a few battles ago because she saved Fuzzypelt’s life.

Adderpaw and Silverpaw exchanged glances. “Alright,” Adderpaw sighed. “Let’s go.” I watched as my two best friends disappeared out the rock tunnel, following beside our Clanmates. I turned and padded into the medicine cats’ den where Cloudflower, Vinetail, and Fernshade were shuffling about preparing herbs.

As soon as I pushed my way in through the fern tunnel Fernshade yowled my name. “Juniperpaw! Thank StarClan- come help me prepare these marigold and horsetail poultices.” I dashed thankfully over to help- anything to do other than sit and wait.

I crouched beside Fernshade and we chewed busily at the herbs. I was thankful the noises of Vinetail and Cloudflower’s idle chatter. It gave me something to listen to, rather than straining my ears trying to hear the battle. I spat out the poultice I had just finished and picked up some more marigold leaves when a yowl split the air. Too close. Was the only thing I thought at the moment. That is too close to camp. NightClan finally brought the battle here.


Braveheart flew into camp. “Protect the camp!” He yowled. Blood welled from his ear and shoulder. “Protect the camp!” MoonClan warriors flooded in after him. Our two elders, Tangleweed and Sunstripe, scrambled into the safety of their den while Robinwing lead the frantic Raincloud and her tiny newborn kits back into the nursery. Robinwing’s kits were old enough to be apprentices, but Shiningstar had never gotten around to holding the ceremony. Vinetail nudged Cloudflower and Fernshade back into the medicine cats’ den.

“Juniperpaw,” He said, curling his tail around me and pulling me into the shadows of the ferns. “We have to bring the hurt cats into the medicine cats’ den. Now listen!” He snapped as I nodded and tried to pad back into the clearing. “NightClan cats might attack us. You must stay by me!”

                We plunged into the clearing and the sights that had occurred from the time we disappeared into the ferns were astonishing. The clearing was choked with NightClan cats. At first I couldn’t see any MoonClan cats, but then I saw a flash of gray fur, quickly followed by a huge black cat. The cat chasing Braveheart was huge. He was bigger if not twice the size of any MoonClan cat. He was closing in quickly on Braveheart. He lunged forward and sunk his teeth and claws into Braveheart’s haunches. Another streak of gray shot across the clearing, and Graywhisker bowled the black tom off Braveheart’s back.  Braveheart collapsed on the ground, blood gushing from the wounds.

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